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chapter seven.

Matthias woke up with a kink in his neck, he groaned in annoyance and pushed himself to sit up.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Matthias looked towards the voice and frowned at the distraught looking Klaus. "That Elena was pregnant."

Matthias sighed and climbed off his bed, removing his suit as he did so. "It wasn't something that I could just bring up in conversation." He told Klaus. "Oh hey, Elena was pregnant but lost the baby due to how much blood she lost when you tried to drain her for hurting me."

Klaus' eyes watered and he looked like he wanted to say so much but didn't know where to start. Matthias could feel the ache in his chest forming but he knew it was coming from Klaus and not himself.

"Niklaus, I do not blame you for the loss of my child." Matthias told him softly.

Klaus shook his head, "But I am the reason that they died!" He shouted and tugged at the roots of his hair. "I didn't know! Had I known, I wouldn't have done that!"

"I know." Matthias told him. "Which is why I do not blame you, you didn't know. Elena didn't know until she woke up in the hospital and the doctor told her. We didn't tell anyone, that was our grief to carry, and the only ones who really knew where Damon and Stefan Salvatore because they had me turn on Elena's humanity before I left."

Klaus was still upset with himself, he hated himself more than ever and Matthias could see it. The guilt that swam in his eyes when he looked at him and the way his eyes were glistening with unshed tears.

"Niklaus, you honestly probably saved me from something I wasn't ready for." Matthias told him honestly. "I don't think Elena would have kept it and I don't know if I would have wanted her too."

"You've always wanted children Matthias." Niklaus reminded him with a frown. "Out of everyone, you were the one who would make a better father than all of us."

"You are going to be a great father." Matthias corrected Klaus. "But Elena was too engrossed with Damon and Stefan, so much happened between us in so little time that I don't think it was enough for her to choose me." He explained while changing into something more comfortable. "We weren't ready for a child, she was 18 and I... well, we both know that I was far too good for Elena Gilbert."

Matthias tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but it didn't stop Klaus from thinking. He knew that Matthias spent time away, was it to grieve?

"Matthias, when you left for some time, were you grieving?" Klaus dared to ask, and Matthias stilled. "You never told me what you were doing."

"I met someone." Matthias confessed and Klaus' eyes widened. "A hybrid or as one would call her, a heretic." There was a smile on his face as he spoke, and Klaus noticed it. "I don't know if you remember Hayley's little friend back in Mystic Falls."

"Rhea Carlisle?" Klaus asked with a shocked expression. "You met up with Rhea Carlisle?"

Matthias smirked and nodded his head, "The one and only."

"I see." Klaus cleared his throat.

"I was grieving though." Matthias told him. "I grieved the loss of a child, what could have been if we went through with it, but at the end of the day, I am also relieved that we didn't have the child because again, Elena was never going to choose me and if we had a child then she would have been forced to choose me."

"But at least she would have been yours." Klaus stated as if he was trying to find the bright side of the situation.

Matthias shook his head and gave Klaus a small smile. "But not like how I would have wanted her to be." Matthias sighed and cleared his throat. "Now tell me what I missed."

Klaus told him what had happened after Finn snapped his neck and Matthias was furious. Esther had spoken to Katherine and Hayley, tried to get into their heads about body jumping in order to start over and have a better life.

How would life be better if it was given to you by Esther? Matthias knew that Esther could undo what she's done for Kol and Finn at any given moment, so why would his siblings even think about taking her offer?

"It's all a trap though, isn't it?" Klaus asked Matthias with a frown. "There is always a price with her spells."

Matthias nodded his head. "At any moment, she can undo what she's done for Kol and Finn. If we were to go against her, she'd probably undo it for us as well." Matthias explained.

"Is Finn spelled again?" Klaus dared to ask with a clench jaw. "Like the last time?"

"I believe so." Matthias told him with another sigh. "I just can't break it without his permission and since he's wrapped around her finger this time even more, it'll be difficult to get a moment alone with him without him fighting me."

Klaus sighed, "I wish things were simpler for us. For you. You of all our siblings deserve that much."

"Well deserve happiness." Matthias told Klaus. "We just have to fight for it a bit harder than others but at least we have one another."

"Always and forever." Klaus said with a small smile.

"Always and forever."

• • •

a little Klaus and Matthias moment that I couldn't resist putting in.

also yes, I do believe that if Elena had been able to keep the baby, Matthias would feel as if she had been forced to choose him. ultimately, Elena and him were never going to be endgame so them not having a kid was good, sad, but good.

is that mean? idk just my thoughts and how I feel about it all.

also you got a hint about who Rhea Carlisle is since I've added her gif in the cast. don't worry, she'll show up soon, just not yet and with her comes many other surprises.

till next time!

- m a r i e

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