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chapter four.

"Hello, son." He greeted Elijah before glaring at Matthias. "I'd hoped to see your brother first, but we have some unfinished business as well."

Matthias glared at Mikael before lunging him with Elijah, while Katherine and Marcel went to check on Davina.

"We're getting out of here." Marcel told Davina.

"No, Marcel, I need my bracelet." She told him, "I can use it to control him."

Marcel spotted the bracelet next to a dead body and Katherine nodded to him. He rushed to grab it, leaving her to fight off any wolves that Mikael seemed to leave alive.

"Matthias!" Elijah shouted in fear when Mikael got the upper hand on him.

Matthias let out a loud scream and Katherine's heart sunk when she saw that Mikael was pushing the fake white oak stake into his chest. Katherine shot Davina a look before rushing at Mikael and knocking him away from her best friend.

"Hiya handsome, miss me?" Katherine panted as Mikael snarled at her.

"Stop." Davina commanded when Mikael was about to attack them again. "Go back, now."

Matthias and Elijah watched as Mikael actually listened to her and disappeared into the night. Elijah looked at Davina in horror while Marcel just looked disappointed in Davina, but the witch didn't seem to care as she walked out of the bar with a shake of her head.

Elijah then spotted Davina's friend and gave him a look. "Something to say?"

"Leave him be Elijah." Matthias defended the boy, something about him was familiar and he wanted to know why. "He's afraid and we have to get home."

Elijah sighed and nodded his head, Marcel left them to find their way home while he went to find Davina.

Katherine gave Matthias a sheepish smile when he finally looked at her. "Hi."

"I am never leaving without you again." Matthias sighed as he hugged her tightly. "God it's been hell without you."

Katherine laughed and hugged him back just as tight. "I'm sure you had fun." She told him while wiggling her eyebrows at him.

She was the only one who knew what he was doing while away from his brother's. It was a secret that she would take to the grave for him.

"Let's go home."

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Matthias felt as if he couldn't breath as he recalled his childhood with Mikael, he can remember every hateful word that Mikael spat at him and his twin, he can still feel the burning from the cuts that Mikael would inflict on him and Klaus, and it was suffocating.

Mikael was alive, he was alive, and Davina Claire was using him to do her bidding because she believed that Klaus was Marcel's sire. It was the story that they spun to help with keeping people who hated Matthias from attacking Marcel. However, Matthias had broken his sireline ages ago after linking himselfto Klaus in order to avoid Marcel dying if anything should happen.

Klaus walked into the room, he didn't notice Katherine who was trying to get Matthias to stop shaking as he glared at the floor completely enraged.

"I met the witch." He spoke, "Cassie. I studied her, her presence, the way she carried herself. The fervor with which she voiced her hatred of our kind. I looked into that girls eyes and I swear to you Elijah, Matthias, she is not just guided by our mother, she is our mother." He stressed out.

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