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chapter thirty-six.

Katherine and Rhea arrived at the safe house to see a dead Aiden on the table.

"You killed him, one of the wolves sworn to protect our daughter?" Hayley asked him with a frown and tone thick of emotion.

Katherine tilted her head as she realized that Klaus was confused as well, the hidden look in his eyes was enough for her to see that Klaus hadn't done this.

"So, what if I did?" Klaus asked them, shocking Katherine and everyone. "This is what happens to anyone who dares cross me." He told her while pointing at Aiden's body.

"Just give us the word, Jackson." One of the wolves pleaded.

"You wouldn't get very far." Katherine spoke up as she entered the room with Rhea. "I mean, Aiden was willing to betray Jackson because he didn't think Jackson was up for it." Elijah gaped at the sight of Katherine, he believed that she was gone, and she didn't even spare him a glance as she stood beside Klaus.

"Perhaps this never would have happened if he'd have had a real Alpha." Klaus added with a smirk.

Jackson punched Klaus in the face and Klaus retaliated by shoving him back into the wolves. Hayley went to attack but Rhea easily grabbed Hayley's arm and twisted it behind her back before she could touch Klaus. Hayley was shocked as Rhea shoved her away from Klaus with a glare on her face.

Jackson went to attack Klaus again when Elijah intervened and placed himself in-between them. "Do you wish to die?" He asked Jackson.

Hayley then rushed at Elijah, but Katherine quickly wrapped her hand around her throat before tossing her into Jackson. "Hayley, I love you but you're so stupid."

"If you come at him, you come at all of us." Rhea told them all. "And I promise you, you'll all die."

Klaus was touched at Katherine and Rhea defending him before speaking. "You lot should make better use of your time. I suggest burying your dead."

"Get out!" Hayley demanded.

"Niklaus, you mentioned a plan. I recommend you begin. Hayley and Hope are safe for the time being. They're not going anywhere." Elijah told him making Rhea and Katherine confused.

Klaus smirked, "Shan't be long."

"If you all honestly believe that Klaus kill Aiden, you're all stupid." Katherine spoke up and they all looked at her.

"He just admitted to it." Hayley told her with tears in her eyes.

"Because you gave him no choice." Katherine scoffed. "Immediately assuming that he did it was your first mistake, now you've made an enemy out of him and in turn, me and Rhea as well as Matthias."

Hayley felt her blood run cold at this, Matthias had warned her about attempting anything with Hope and here she was still going to do it. She looked at Rhea and knew that she couldn't bring her with her willingly, but she had a plan for that too.

"I'm going after him, you stay here." Katherine told Rhea and Rhea nodded her head as Katherine left.

Unbeknownst to them, across the river, a fooled Davina had just handed over the dagger to Marcel. Completely forgetting what would happen to Matthias if used against Klaus.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

"Tell me you didn't do it." Cami called out to Klaus while entering the compound. "Tell me you didn't kill that sweet boy."

"Camille." Klaus sighed.

"They said you admitted it." Cami said while approaching him.

"Then why even come here?" Katherine's voice called out from behind, making Cami turn to face her. "You talk about wanting to help Klaus, wanting to be his friend and getting to know him and yet just like everyone else, you don't know him at all."

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