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chapter twelve.

Katherine caught up to Hayley and Ansel before pulling out her phone to dial Marcel's number. The vampire answered on the second ring, making Katherine smile softly to herself because she knew that he worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked her immediately.

Katherine let out a small laugh, "I'm fine Marcel."

"Do you have your alpha?" He asked her.

Katherine looked at Hayley and Ansel, prompting Hayley to speak into the phone that was on speaker. "He's out of commission, but I got the next best thing. I'm assuming you have a plan to keep Finn occupied?" She asked him.

"Yeah." Marcel agreed and fell silent. "Yeah, I think I might have an idea." With that he hung up and Katherine pocketed her phone.

"So, you're telling me, I can't kill anyone?" Katherine asked while looking back at Ansel. "Because that's kind of mean."

Hayley rolled her eyes and Ansel glared at her. "No wolf is meant to die today."

"Fine." Katherine huffed before they continued on their path.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Finally arriving at the cemetery where they knew the witches loved to hide, they slowly walked through the fog covered paths. Making it to the lycée, Katherine feels her heart sink at the sight of a chained-up Oliver who's being suspended by his wrists in the greenhouse.

"Ollie." Katherine almost gagged at how beaten he was.

"Ollie." Hayley called out to him. "Ollie, wake up." She told him as they walked up to him.

"The hell are you doing?" Oliver asked them weakly. "I told you not to worry about me." He shot at Katherine. "And who the hell is that?"

Katherine shrugged and ripped the chains from the walls. "No time to talk, we're getting you out of here."

"Please tell me you know where Elijah and Matthias are?" Hayley asked him and Oliver weakly shook his head as she held him up

Katherine ignored the disappointment in her gut, Klaus promised her that he would bring them home and she trusted him.

Ansel then looked out a window, "They know we're here."

With their heightened hearing, they listened in to hear the approaching wolves. With a nod, Katherine helped Hayley lift Oliver as they rushed to get him out.

Oliver needed a moment though, he was resting against the table trying to regain some strength. "Just leave me here. Go!" He demanded them.

"No." Katherine told him sharply. "The last time you told me to leave you, this happened." She told him with a look of guilt in her eyes. "We're not leaving without you."

"They want a fight, I'll give them a fight." Hayley told him just as angry as Katherine.

"No." Ansel denied as he approached them. "I came with you to save one of my own, not watch as you kill scores of them." Hayley and Katherine rolled their eyes. "Take your friend out the back, move as fast as you can. I'll hold them off here."

Hayley sighed before nodding at Katherine and the two grabbed Oliver before rushing out the back. Katherine can hear Ansel fighting with the wolves and apart of her wanted to worry, but there was something about that man that was familiar.

Hiding behind a crypt so that Oliver can have a moment, Katherine cursed when she caught sight of Aiden and a group of wolves coming.

"Come on out!" Aiden shouted. "We know you're here."

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