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chapter forty-seven.

The sound of the wind filled the dreadful silence, Katherine looked over at Aurora who was holding a knife in her hand.

"So, you want to give Klaus a heart attack when he sees that you've nearly killed me?" Katherine asked her as she eyed the blade.

"It's a special blade darling." Aurora told her. "Spelled by an old friend of mine before I killed him."

Katherine rolled her eyes at this, "Why am I not surprised?"

Aurora was about to speak when she heard something, a wicked gleam appeared in her eyes as she looked at Katherine. "It's show time my dear."

Katherine sighed and stood from her seat, she disappeared from the room and to the room that Aurora had set up to look like she was being held in. Elijah suddenly burst into the room and Aurora smirked at the sight of him, she was going to have so much fun.

"Elijah, I knew you'd come running." Aurora smirked. "I just didn't think that it would take you this long to come."

"Aurora." Elijah breathed, a tinge of fear in his eyes as he looked at her. "Whatever grievances you have, they are with me, not Katerina." He looked around and frowned at the sight of an empty room. "Where is she?"

Aurora lifted a remote and pointed it behind Elijah, he turned around to see a large TV with none other than Katherine on the monitor. Katherine was no longer fine, much to her annoyance, she had allowed Aurora's compelled friend to inject her with vervain before cutting her all over, as well as stabbing a stake into each of her legs.

"Katerina." Elijah breathed.

Aurora was about to speak when the doors burst open once more to reveal Klaus, Kai, and Nadia. "Oh! It looks like we have a full house, shall we have some fun Kitty Kat?"

Katherine glared up at the camera as Aurora's voice flooded into the room. "Don't call me that!"

"Aurora, let Katerina go." Klaus spoke up warily as he looked at her.

She hadn't changed at all since he last saw her, since she had ripped out his heart and crushed it.

"It's good you're here." Aurora said as she looked at him longingly. "Elijah, how about we air out your dirty little secret?" She asked him and Elijah looked nervous. "No, then shall I tell Niklaus just how you were the one to break his heart and not I?"

"What is she talking about Elijah?" Klaus asked him.

"Can we talk about this later?" Kai snapped at he looked at Katherine worriedly. "Give me Katherine before things get really ugly here Aurora."

Aurora looked at the heretic then back at Katherine, she could see that Kai cared for Katherine and she understood what Katherine was saying earlier when she said that her and Elijah were done. Elijah hadn't rushed at her like she thought he would've, the Elijah she remembered would've attacked without hesitance but now he had something to lose forever.


"Aurora." Elijah spoke. "I made a mistake, and I am sorry but do not take it out on Katerina."

Aurora smirked at this. "But my anger towards you is unending." Aurora told him and Katherine gasped making everyone look at the monitor as they noticed someone in the room with her and stake her in the stomach. "I should rip out her heart the way that you ripped out mine."

"If it gets her to let go of my mother, fucking tell him Elijah!" Nadia seethed as Kai held her back from attacking.

"Let me guess." Klaus spoke up, a hidden look of disgust as he looked between the two. "In the time between being with me and seeking refuge in the arms of your brother, you slept with mine."

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