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Matthias' outfit up above!

chapter twenty-one.

After last night, Matthias wasn't a fool, he knew that Kol wasn't going to put Rebekah in some woman's body that Marcel chose. Kol had told Matthias of his plan and with the promise that Rebekah would be okay, Matthias gave him the okay.

Rhea and Matthias had gotten settled down in their bedroom, Nadia taking the room next door for the time being. Klaus had taken off in the morning with Cami in tow, Matthias was a bit upset about the fact of Klaus taking Cami to where Hope was but bit his tongue. He knew that Katherine would give them an earful herself because Cami only had herself to blame.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Rhea asked Matthias as she laid on her side and looked at him.

"You and Nadia are going to venture the quarter to your hearts content while I help Hayley with her terrible idea of making peace between the wolves and vampires when she gets back." Matthias told her as he placed a kiss on her forehead before getting up.

"That sounds boring." Rhea pouted. "Can't I just remain here?"

"As much as I would love to have you wrapped around me." Matthias told her and Rhea's cheeks flushed red. "I want you nowhere near those wolves." Matthias scowled as he thought about them. "They annoy me to no end and the vampires are even worse."

Rhea rolled her eyes but got out of bed as well. "Alright, but I'm only a phone call away should anything happen."

Matthias hummed and watched as Rhea went to get ready for her day. He heard the sound of a door opening and knew that it was time, while he wished that Rhea was gone sooner, he would just have to hope that nothing happened while she was getting ready.

Nadia smiled when she spotted Matthias exiting the room. "Is she ready?"

"No." He chuckled. "She'll be a few minutes."

Nadia laughed and nodded her head. "Understandable." She then frowned when she spotted the wolves which meant Hayley and Klaus were back. "Why are there wolves?"

"You'll see." Matthias told her before waving her over to follow him.

They arrived in time for Hayley to start speaking up, she was giving her speech. "You wolves are here because you want freedom and I promise you, if you stay, you will be free. But..." She looked over to Marcel and his vampires. "We need as much help as we can get."

"My vamps and I are willing to stand with you against the witches." Marcel told them. "In return, all I want is a promise that there will be peace between our sides after the wedding."

Jared, a wolf that Matthias heard was influential to the other wolves, spoke up. "You're the one who spent the last one hundred years killing and cursing us." He snapped at Marcel.

"Which means you might wanna listen to what I have to say." Marcel told him.

Suddenly a new pair of footsteps enter the room and Matthias frowns when he spots Finn. "I see you're brokering a truce between mongrels and parasites."

Matthias was meant to break Esther's hold on him, but he had been broken out last night before Matthias had the chance too. Now, it was too late, and Matthias didn't know when he would have the time to do so with everything happening so fast.

"And just how long do you think that's really going to last? A month? A week? A day? What you don't yet seem to understand is that the only thing that can exist between your two degenerate species is hatred, war, and death." Finn was slowly backing away as he spoke to the two parties, he then blew on his fingers as he reached the door as he cast a spell on the compound.

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