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chapter forty-four.

Two months.

Two months have passed since Rhea's reveal of having twins and the two have since left New Orleans. Klaus would have come with but due to him wanting Hayley to see Hope every full moon, he remained behind.

Matthias took Rhea to New York, one reason was because he had some grimoires in his loft that he needed to Finn's resurrection, but the main reason was because he wanted to show her the city that he loved most.

"I think it's really pretty here." Rhea told him as they walked through the park. "I think it's a nice place to live." She admitted to him, and Matthias chuckled. "I mean, unless you want to stay in New Orleans."

Matthias shrugged his shoulders, "I thought maybe you would want to live in Portland, your hometown."

Rhea made a face at that, "Kai and I don't really ever want to go back there. We have terrible memories there, but I think Kai will follow me to be honest since him being locked away is the only time we've been apart."

"Do I have to worried?" Matthias joked with a grin.

Rhea laughed and shook her head at him. "No."

Matthias was about to speak when his phone started to ring. He pulled out his phone and frowned at the sight of Katherine's name appearing. "Hello?"

"Matthias, don't hang up on me." Elijah's voice came through the other end and Matthias was almost tempted. "Katerina's been taken."

"Taken?" Matthias frowned. "By whom?"

"Our sires." He told him. "Lucien Castle is in town along with Tristian de Martel, both appear to be plotting against us all."

Matthias sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "And like usual you cannot protect my twin." Matthias looked at Rhea to see that she looked concerned. "We'll be there soon."

With that, Matthias hung up the phone and could only imagine the rampage that was going to hit New Orleans once Klaus and Kai heard that Katherine was taken.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Just as Matthias had predicted, Klaus was livid.

Nadia had taken the task of taking care of Hope until her mother was back, Davina would stay with her just in case while everyone worked on finding Katherine.

"So, they took Katherine to deliver a message to us?" Kol questioned in confusion. "What bloody message could they possibly have?"

"Apparently Lucien believes to have a genuine seer." Elijah told him. "Says that she's seen the fate of the Mikaelson's fall and our sires are here to protect us."

"I find that hard to believe." Klaus stated with a roll of his eyes. "Why now?"

"I don't know, Nik." Rebekah spoke up. "But Aurora isn't with them, and I do not know what they have planned."

"But why Kat?" Kai questioned.

"Because she's someone that I care about." Klaus told Kai. "Going after Katherine wasn't only a direct attack on me but Matthias as well."

Kol couldn't help but laugh as he clapped his hands. "Matthias hates Tristian just as much as he does Lucien, they're dead when he finds them."

Klaus smirked at this, "Yes, indeed they are." He then looked to Elijah and Rebekah. "But since they think us to be fools, let's play along until Matthias returns. Where's Lucien hiding?"

"What are you going to do?" Elijah asked him. "We should at least meet this seer."

"What for?" Kol asked him. "Matthias has ensured that the sirelines can't be broken when he used a blood bind years ago with Bonnie Bennett, not that she knew what he was doing. Unless he preforms the spell himself, the sirelines will remain intact thus giving you leverage over everyone."

"He's right." Davina spoke up as she walked into the room. "I've studied that spell, Kol even told me that it was pointless before I knew who he was. Matthias was thorough in protecting you all." She said looking at Elijah before looking to Klaus. "I did the locator spell, but it appears that they have a witch on their side hiding Katherine."

"I would expect nothing less." Klaus sighed before looking at Kai. "Let's go pay my first sire a visit." Kai smirked at this and nodded. "Thank you for the information Elijah, but I think we'll be just fine from here."

"Brother-" Elijah tried but was cut off.

"You don't get to call me that anymore!" Klaus snapped at him. "To you and Rebekah, Matthias and I have always been the bastard brothers. I only failed to see that you two will go to great lengths to betray me, to hurt me, but for Hope, for Matthias' children, I will not let you ruin me."

Klaus then walked out of the room with Kai following after him.

The two walked down the street towards where Klaus assumed Lucien would be. Klaus knew Lucien better than anyone, or he used too. This Lucien was not the same from when they first met, he had to remember that.

"How did Lucien come to be turned?" Kai asked Klaus.

Klaus paused before continuing to walk forward. "It was an accident, really. When we met Lucien, Tristian, and Aurora we had pretended to be humans for a short while. Lucien had become a friend but we both loved the same girl, only I was the one who got the girl." Kai's eyes widened in surprise. "Not that Lucien knew, but when he found out, we had all been found out as well. Kol did little to help our hiding with his hunger, but Matthias was helping him along with Finn."

"I see, so he hates you?" Kai wondered. "Or does he envy you?"

"Envy me?" Klaus asked confused.

"Usually when people want revenge it's for several things." Kai said with a shrug. "Whether it be just wanting to get even, or maybe they're jealous that you got the girl, or he's just inferior to you and wants to be better."

Klaus didn't know what Lucien or Tristian's plans were, he didn't know if what Kai said could be true, but all he knew was that he was going to pay them back 100% over for any harm that comes to Katherine.

sooo Katherine was taken!

I have a lot planned out and of course we had to bring in Lucien and Tristian, how should they die? hmmm, I'm sure Matthias and Klaus have a few ideas up their sleeves.

I have a lot planned for this ark and I'm excited to show y'all what it all is!

what are your thoughts?

- m a r i e

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