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Matthias' outfit is above!

chapter eight.

Matthias sat beside Katherine drinking as they watched the vampires around them let loose. Marcel had invited the two, Elijah was nowhere to be seen which irked Katherine, but she bit her tongue on it.

"So, you're jealous that he's spending time with Gia?" Matthias asked her while downing the rest of his drink.

Katherine groaned and did the same before speaking. "I know it's dumb because he says he loves me but sometimes... sometimes I feel as if he would rather have something new, someone new."

"Katerina, Elijah would be a fool to let you go." Matthias told her seriously. "You've been by his side longer than any other woman and there is no one like you out there for him."

"Then why do I feel so replaceable?" She asked him with a sad look on her face.

Matthias hated the expression on her face, he hated even more that it was his brother that put it there. Katherine has always been confident in her feelings towards Elijah, she's never faltered except for that time with Mason, but even then it was always going to be Elijah. Yet, here sat the confident Katherine Pierce unsure of Elijah's love for her remains intact due to his need to help Gia.

She knows that she encouraged it, saying that Gia had potential and just needed the right guidance, but she didn't think that it would make her lose Elijah all together.

Before Matthias could speak, the window behind him is shattered and a vampire is getting thrown inside with his throat ripped out. Matthias stands to his feet along with Katherine when the wolves start to pile inside Marcel's place.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?" Gia snapped angrily. "We didn't do anything."

"This is nothing your kind hasn't done to us." An unfamiliar wolf spoke up while walking up to her, Marcel stood beside her. "Learn your history."

"History?" Katherine spoke up, earning his attention. "Oh, I love this game, Matty can we go first?"

Matthias laughed and nodded his head, his eyes flashing as he glared at the wolf. "The wolves came before the vampires, wolves have killed thousands of lives beforehand, even took the life of my baby brother." Matthias listed as he moved to stand in front of Marcel protectively. "You may think we're out numbered but I assure you, I'll kill you all without blinking."

The promise in Matthias' tone had the wolf stepping back and Marcel stepping up beside his father. "I don't know who the hell you are, but we had a deal. Vampires stay out of the Quarter, everybody's cool."

"That's not good enough anymore." He told them nervously, all confidence he had leaving his system.

"Oh yeah? Says who? You? Or that witch you all answer to now? Lenore, right? Never thought I'd see the day, proud werewolves on a witch's leash. I hope those rings you're wearing are worth it." Marcel taunted.

The wolf smirked and nodded at a wolf behind him, before that wolf could move, Katherine was in front of him with her hand in his chest before ripping his heart out.

"Whoops." She muttered.

Another wolf went for Josh, but Matthias easily snapped this one's neck before glaring at the wolf.

"You came to deliver a message I assume and so I suggest you deliver it." Matthias demanded.

"Your privileges here have been revoked. Permanently. So, when we come back, you need to be gone. Because next time? I won't hold them off. Consider this a warning, Marcel. It's the only one you're gonna get." He told the vampire before leaving.

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