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Matthias Mikaelson didn't know why he was laughing, but he was.

Esther had him spelled in a magic circle and he could hear her messing with Elijah in the other room, he could hear Oliver's shouts of pain because the spell he placed on him was removed by Esther and it annoyed Matthias that he had been subdued by her so easily. He's always been on guard, but last night, he had left it falter.

"Something amusing my son?" Esther asked as she walked back into the room.

Matthias gave her a look, "Don't call me that." He told her. "You are no mother of mine and you're not my mother, I simply call you an incubator."

Esther looked hurt by this, genuinely hurt and Matthias loved it. "You and your brother are so similar, blinded by your hatred."

"Blinded?" Matthias laughed with a shake of his head. "No, we are not blinded, we are fueled by our hatred for you, for Mikael. The love we had for you died the minute I ripped your heart out for the both of us. I only wish I could have done the same to Mikael."

Esther shook her head at him, she refused to believe that. "Why can't you all see that all I've done is try and protect you?"

"By killing us!" He snapped. "By trying to kill us time and time again, that's not love, it's disgusting."

Esther didn't want to hear anymore, she held up her hand and Matthias slumped forward in his seat unconscious. She knew that he hated her, he has since he was a child, but to hear it so outward and towards her hurt more than she thought it would.

"I do love you Matthias." Esther whispered before messing with his head just as she was with Elijah.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Oh, Katherine was pissed and a pissed off Katherine Pierce wasn't someone you wanted to fuck with.

The next morning after returning, Katherine had called up Marcel and Hayley to help her find Elijah. The only problem was they didn't know where to start and Klaus was once again ignoring their calls.

All except for Hayley's.

When the hybrid tried after Katherine's 20th attempt, he answered, and Marcel had to hold her back from ripping the phone away from the girl and screaming at Klaus like she was dying to. Marcel wanted to tease Hayley but knew that it wasn't the time, even though her cheeks were tinted red from the fact that he answered after Marcel suggested that she try.

That led to now, with the three of them rushing to save Cami which irked Katherine as to why Klaus was around the human at all. Klaus had admitted to feeling something for Hayley, but being unsure if he should attempt to go for it, that night Katherine and Matthias told him to do so and now he was seeing the human again?

Katherine didn't like her. She had no sympathy for a girl that willingly places herself in dangerous situations and then wants to play the victim. Katherine asked Matthias if she could kill her but when Klaus glared at her, she knew not to push her luck.

And to top it all off, Klaus had brought the actual white oak stake with him, and she knew that last thing anyone wanted was for him to die and take Matthias with him. So yes, Katherine Pierce was pissed.

Marcel and Katherine arrive inside to see Mikael holding Cami and about to feed from her. Marcel attacked without another thought, pulling Cami away from the man and throwing hits without giving Mikael a chance to process them.

Mikael eventually knocked Marcel flat on his back and grabbed Klaus' makeshift stake and pointed it at Marcel's heart. "Now, enough!" Katherine glared at him, staying in her stance as she tried to think of how to play this smart. "This night has been a long parade of fools. I'll enjoy killing every last one of you." He threatened and Katherine would have been afraid if she hadn't realized what he was doing.

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