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I was thinking about making three bonus chapters, three seperate weddings but I decided against that for the sake of my sanity. however, I will tell you what I planned for each wedding.

Bonnie Bennett and Marcel Mikaelson
their song : Heaven by Emilee

Bonnie Bennett and Marcel Mikaelsontheir song : Heaven by Emilee

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from left to right we have:

Bonnie's Wedding Dress!

Marcel makes Bonnie feel more confident in her skin and more confident in general. With Marcel, Bonnie feels as if she's invincible almost and can do anything if she tried. He makes her feel powerful, something she hasn't felt since she was dabbling with expression magic but Marcel made her feel that way.

It was the same for Marcel.

When she chose this dress it was because she's now a better verison of herself as a heretic. A version that she never thought that she'd see, a version that she loves and isn't afraid to flaunt.

The Bridesmaid Dresses!

Since Bonnie's wedding dress had a slit that it was only fitting that so do the bridesmaid dresses. The emerald green colored dresses matched well with the greenery of their wedding and she loved it.

The Aisle!

Bonnie once mentioned in S3 of TVD how witches are close to nature, they literally feel a connection. Marcel would remember this fact that she shared with him and want her to feel at ease like she did when she was around nature, thus the flowers and greenery and she adored him for it.

The Reception!

They had a seaside reception and it was a peaceful evening with the people they held most dear to them.

However, the life of the wedding was when Damon and Elena showed up with their daughter, Stefanie Salvatore. It was safe to say that Kai and Katerina were a bit ticked at the sight of them but the real kicker was Damon being upset that Kai was there when he was the reason Elena was in a coma for so long before Bonnie died and the spell broke.

"Why is he here?" Damon snarled at he held Elena and Stefanie close to him. "Bonnie, he tried to kill us!"

"They all did Damon." Bonnie sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I invited you two so we could move on from that. You two are my best friends and if you can't be civil then maybe it was a mistake inviting you."

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