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chapter forty-one.

Rhea and Katherine had it all planned out.

During dinner tonight, Katherine would comment on Rhea's amount of food and Rhea would drop the bomb.

Currently, Klaus, Kai, Matthias, and Marcel were int the kitchen cooking dinner. Kol and Davina were in charge of dessert, while Katherine, Nadia, and Rhea were getting the dining room prepared. This was a ritual of sorts for them since everything changed, they all took turn with different tasks.

Though, tonight was the first night that Marcel was joining them.

"I will say, I'm glad you're here." Matthias spoke quietly to Marcel while Klaus and Kai were bickering over the directions for the pasta they're making. "I am sorry for how I was back then."

Marcel smiled at Matthias and shook his head, "Dad, you did what you had to do. Do I wish that it was different, maybe a little bit but I'm more relieved that I didn't lose you."

"You could never lose me, little warrior." Matthias reassured him while seasoning the chicken. "I know that you and Nik bump heads, but you are the one person that I never want to hurt, to anger, for doing that, I would never forgive myself. What I made you do to Rebekah was indeed cruel, but you hurt me too."

"I know." Marcel looked down in guilt. "And I promise that I'll make it up to you."

Matthias only smiled at him, the two both wanted to make amends with one another, but amends had already been made. They were just stubborn, and it would take a while before the two realized that their efforts weren't necessary.

"No, no, no." Kai spoke up, grabbing their attention. "It says to cook the pasta until tender or until desired softness, we don't want it to be mush so we should take it out now."

"It needs more time!" Klaus argued, the two clearly bumping heads on the topic.

Matthias and Marcel couldn't help but laugh as they walked over with the seasoned chicken that was going to go alongside with the fettuccini alfredo the two were supposed to be making.

"Alright, enough." Matthias told them. "Marcellus and I will finish, you two go check on Kol and Davina."

Klaus and Kai left without arguments knowing that Matthias would only make them with magic. Though that didn't stop the two from arguing as they left the kitchen much to Matthias' amusement.

"You're such a dad." Marcel laughed and Matthias gave him a confused look as he placed the chicken into the oiled pan. "I just mean that you are such a father figure, you care so much, and it shows when you talk to everyone."

"Well, I have a son and I'm going to have another child." Matthias shrugged as he started to cook the chicken. "It's only natural."

Marcel shook his head with a smile. "You're going to be a great dad to that baby."

At this compliment, Matthias smiled softly. "I hope so. I know Nik holds the same fears as I, that we would turn out to be like Mikael and our kids would hate us."

"You are not Mikael." Marcel told him. "You and Klaus went through a tough ordeal but you two are breaking that vicious cycle of pain with your children. You two are both great dads, and I was lucky to be raised by you both."

Matthias smiled warmly at Marcel and pulled him in for a hug. Marcel returned the hug and the two stayed like that for a moment before pulling apart and going back to cooking. The two shared stories about what was new, and Matthias was happy to learn that Marcel was talking to someone he met online. A girl and she lived in Mystic Falls actually, much to Matthias' shock.

"What's her name?" Matthias asked him.

Marcel opened his mouth to speak when there was a knock on the kitchen door. The two looked over and saw Kol leaning against the doorway. "Davina and I arrived with dessert, is dinner ready?"

Matthias smiled at Kol and nodded his head. "Yeah, let me just plate it all."

Marcel helped Matthias with putting the fettuccini alfredo into a bowl, so that everyone could help themselves, while Matthias placed the pieces of chicken before heading out into the dining room.

Klaus would sit at the end of the table with Matthias across from him, on the right side of the table was Katherine, Nadia, Kai, and Kol. Across from them was Marcel, Kai, Davina, and Rhea. Matthias set down the chicken alfredo before sitting down with a smile on his face as he looked at everyone, he and his brother were finally getting their peaceful moment with those they loved.

Matthias knew that Klaus missed Rebekah and Elijah but the two hadn't bothered to attempt to make amends, to apologize and the twins knew that they were in New Orleans still. They just decided to reside across the river where Marcel once resided.

However, Klaus was also happy with what he had, did he wish that things were different? Yes, but he also knew that the feeling of betrayal that he felt that night being daggered and learning they were going to keep him daggered for as long as possible while Hayley ran and took Rhea with her, now that was something unforgivable.

He should've lost his siblings a long time ago for all the daggering he's done but he didn't. They remained beside him and while sure there was a few times where they bumped heads, yet they still remained. So why was it this time that hurt him the most? Maybe because they were okay with him losing his child, maybe it was because they didn't trust him to be helpful, or maybe it was because he thought they would work with him rather than against. There was a lot of factors in this and each on was more stressful than the other's.

"Rhea, are you sure you have enough?" Katherine joked.

Everyone looked over at Rhea's plate, she had two pieces of chicken and a lot of pasta, as well as some broccoli that Matthias had made because he knew that she liked broccoli with this particular meal.

"Well, I mean, when you're feeding for three, you gotta eat more." She laughed softly with a beaming smile on her face.

Everyone nodded their head in understanding before everything erupted into chaos.

"Wait, three!?"

Rhea laughed as she pulled out the ultrasound photos which showed the twins growing inside of her. The room erupted into cheers and congratulations while Matthias shocked, he was staring at Rhea with wide eyes filled with so many emotions.

"We're having twins?" He asked her softly and she nodded her head. "I'm having twins!" Matthias stood to his feet and picked up Rhea, she squealed as he spun her around before setting her on her feet and kissing her. He pulled away and smiled at her, "I love you."

Rhea had a wide smile on her face with tears in her eyes. "I love you too."

Klaus had a wide grin on his face, if anyone was more deserving of twins, it was Matthias. It was nice to know that he could have twins though, Klaus didn't know how he forgot that it was a possibility considering he himself is a twin.

"Congratulations." Klaus smiled and held up his glass. "To Matthias and Rhea!"

"To Matthias and Rhea!" Everyone cheered while holding up their glasses as well.

Matthias and Rhea smiled at one another, and it was safe to say that tonight was a night to remember.

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