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chapter thirty-one.

"You said our way." Klaus spoke once they were back in the compound. Matthias halted in his steps, realizing what he said as well before sighing. "Does this mean, you've forgiven me?"

"Forgive you?" Matthias asked him while spinning around to face his brother. "Are you going to stop working against me for once and work with me? Are you going to finally remember that you have a twin brother that has feelings too?" Klaus opened his mouth, only to shut it. "The only time you did something differently was when I was with Elena, you tried to keep everything a minimum, but you still did it for me. Yet when it comes to our brothers, the ones that I do indeed favor as much as I favor you, you dismiss me."

Klaus knew why he did it, Klaus wasn't as oblivious to his feelings as he made everyone believe him to be. He knew that the only reason he was okay with killing Finn and Kol was because it meant that Matthias would choose him and never leave him. With Kol and Finn, Klaus had to share his brother but whilst spending time with Matthias and Katherine while the two were daggered, he's become selfish for his brother's attention.

"Just because I love them, doesn't mean I love you less." Matthias told his brother and Klaus' eyes watered. "I have never once abandoned you like Elijah and Rebekah, so stop treating me like I will, and I will continue to stand by you like I have for centuries."

"Okay." Klaus nodded his head. "I'll be better." He promised and Matthias could only nod because only time would tell. "I am sorry about Kol." Matthias sucked in a breath at the mention of Kol. "I know you both didn't believe it, but I did love him, and I will mourn him."

Matthias decided that in this moment, he would trust his brother. "What I am about to tell you, cannot leave this room, do you understand me?" Klaus nodded his head. "Kol is alive, and I've sent him away from New Orleans for his safety."

Klaus was shocked but couldn't deny that he was relieved with this news. "Why not let everyone know?"

"Because I don't want Kol here until its safe." Matthias told him. "Until we've eliminated our dear aunt Dahlia, the ones we love are not safe."

Klaus had to agree with him there, he understood Matthias and he would respect this decision they made and not say anything. "I give you my word, I will not tell anyone."

"Tell anyone what?" The two turned to see Hayley looking at them with furrowed brows on the second floor.

"That I'm harboring Katherine in my apartment." Matthias lied easily. "She wants Elijah to believe that she's left town with Nadia."

Hayley nodded her head. "Why did Nadia leave?"

"To find a way to break the link that Klaus and I share." Matthias said. "She said she wants to help me since I've helped her, I don't know how I have but I won't stop her."

Klaus knew that there was some truth to Matthias' words, he figured that Nadia was actually traveling with Kol which made sense kind of. Still, he simply walked off towards where Hope was with Hayley following after him, which left Matthias to sigh as he wondered what was to come now that Freya had shown herself.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Matthias arrived back at home and smiled at the sight of Katherine and Rhea watching movies together on the couch.

"Twilight, again?" Matthias laughed as he kicked his shoes off at the door. Katherine and Rhea shot him a look, making him hold up his hands in surrender. "I'm just saying. It's kind of ironic for vampires to be watching vampires."

"Well, these vampires are cooler." Katherine joked. "They have powers."

Matthias rolled his eyes as he sat beside Rhea and pulled her onto his lap. "Yet can't go into the sun and have worse control than a newbie vampire."

"True." Rhea shrugged. "But hey, it teaches us the signs of toxic relationships." She joked and Matthias chuckled.

"How did it go with Klaus?" Katherine asked him while still watching the movie.

"Freya showed herself, she locked Finn in this pendant, but I plan on releasing him from it." Matthias explained. "We've made amends kind of, but we have a mutual goal, so we'll see how this plays out."

"And what of Dahlia?" Rhea asked nervously while placing a hand on her stomach.

Matthias placed his hands over hers and held her tighter. "Freya will tell us her plan, and should it work, we'll be free of this curse."

"What aren't you saying?" Katherine asked him with a pointed look.

"She's too confident that it'll work." He told them with a sigh. "I fear that something will go wrong."

Katherine and Rhea shared a look before nodding, they would distract Matthias from this for now. He could worry about it tomorrow, but tonight, they wanted to just watch the terrible Twilight movies and make fun of them.

"Matty, are you team Edward or Jacob?" Katherine asked.

Matthias looked at her oddly, "What?"

"What team are you on?" Rhea asked him. "Edward or Jacob?"

Rhea pointed at the scene and Matthias looked over to see Jacob and Edward having a standoff. It was the movie Eclipse where Jacob had kissed Bella and Edward rushed to her house having heard his thoughts from so far.

"Team Jasper." Matthias said and they looked at him oddly. "What?"

"Jasper?" Katherine asked him confused. "Why Jasper?"

"He doesn't get enough attention." Matthias told them simply. "Reminds me of Kol and Finn, but at least Jasper was loved and cared for. Coddled a bit much due to being new to the veganism but Jasper deserved a bigger fanbase, he was much more than the vampire with empathy and war stories."

Katherine and Rhea looked at him oddly, "Are you in love with Jasper Hale?" Katherine asked jokingly. "Because if so, I think you have something to share with the class."

Matthias laughed and reached over to shove Katherine, making the girl laugh along with Rhea. Tonight, despite the raging fest of nerves inside of Matthias, he would deal with it tomorrow and just spend time with his girlfriend and best friend.

anyone see what I did there? aha aha lmao
i couldn't resist throwing in some Twilight love since the movies would have been out already following the timeline.

but we're getting there guys!

- m a r i e

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