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Matthias' outfit for dinner is above!

chapter five.

Matthias and Hayley walked into the courtyard and frowned at the table in front of them.

Hayley shot Matthias a look and he held his hands up in surrender. "It wasn't me."

Hayley reached over and started to munch on the array of fruit on one of the trays. Matthias following suit when he saw there was more strawberries available than the others. Matthias loved strawberries.

Hearing the footsteps behind them, Hayley speaks. "So, which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?"

Klaus walked over with a confused look. "It's certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this." He said while gesturing to the table.

Hayley hummed, "Well then I guess we have Katherine and Elijah to thank."

Walking inside the compound, Katherine spoke up. "While I love being praised, it wasn't us."

Matthias and Hayley shared a look. "Then who did?" He asked.

Just as he asked that, a covered tray began to rattle startling Hayley. Matthias didn't miss the way that Klaus had inched forward, blocking the path to Hayley should it be a trap and he fought the urge to laugh when Katherine noticed as well and was shocked.

Klaus lifted the lid and Matthias almost growled in anger when the familiar starlings flew out from under, leaving nothing but a white folded piece of paper behind. Matthias was itching to set it on fire, he was dying to burn the entire table down and send the ashes back to Cassie, but held back from doing so.

"What the hell was that?" Hayley asked while looking at where the starlings flew off towards.

Klaus picked up the letter and Matthias peeked at it from behind and almost laughed. "Mother dearest wants an audience."

Elijah looked worried at the fact that Matthias was actually smiling about this, there was a grin on his face, and you couldn't miss the glint that was in his eyes as he smiled at Katherine. Katherine knew that look, she was the one who created that look when they went on a killing spree back in the day to let off steam.

"Well, this will be fun." Hayley muttered under her breath while eating another piece of fruit.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Matthias, Katherine, and Hayley were all in Klaus' bedroom, the hybrid was lost in thought to notice as they waited for him. Hayley was lying flat on his bed with her hands behind her head while Matthias sat in a chair with Katherine on his lap, looking through his phone.

Klaus walked back into the room from the balcony, prompting Hayley to speak while sitting upright. "It is times like this I'm really glad I never knew my mother." She told him.

"We have enough enemies here. And now, the war for our home is to be fought against my own family." Klaus stated and they all knew that he was furious.

"Your wretched mother and her disciples tried to put a carving knife through our baby's heart." Hayley reminded him and a look of pain appeared in Klaus' eyes as he recalled that day. "I will happily add to the body count." She told him seriously.

Katherine and Matthias shared a look when Klaus smiled at her, the corner of his mouth being tugged upwards at the fact that he had Hayley at his side during this. They were at different ends when it came to mourning but now, now they had to fight together and Klaus knew that he trusted her, even if he couldn't voice it right now.

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