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Rhea's ring up above!

chapter fifty-two.

four months later!


Rhea Carlisle soon to be Mikaelson had been pregnant for nine months and she was so ready to be done with it. The long wait was finally over but it felt as if time was going slow on purpose much to her annoyance and aggravation.

"We are... never...." Rhea let out a groan. "Never having kids again!"

Matthias chuckled as he kissed the side of her head while holding onto her hand. "Darling we both know that I can't resist you."

Normally Rhea would have laughed, giggled and gotten flustered even, but right now, she was pushing two babies out of her vagina and any humor she once felt was long gone. Every single part of her body hurt, as she squeezed Matthias' hand for dear life and let out a shout as she pushed when the doctor told her too.

"Almost there, I can see the head now." The doctor instructed in a calm and soothing voice.

Rhea let out a scream as she pushed one more time and for a moment it was silent before the two new parents heard the cry. Tears welled up in Rhea and Matthias' eyes as relief hit them, they were afraid of complications but so far everything was okay.

"It's a boy." The doctor announced as he handed the baby off to the nurse so they can clean him up.

A boy.

Matthias let out a chuckle as he leaned over and kissed the top of Rhea's head. "We have a boy first, I told you." Rhea laughed softly but the laugh soon turned into a groan when she felt a pain in her abdomen.

The doctor noticed this and gave her a small smile before nodding his head. "Alright, time for baby number two."

Rhea shook her head, tears welling up once more but not from happiness this time. "I can't." She cried softly. "Please I'm so tired."

"You got this darling." Matthias told her softly, giving her hand a squeeze. "Just a couple more pushes."

"You promise?" Rhea sniffled with a groan and Matthias nodded his head. "Okay."

8 minutes of pushing soon resulted in Rhea giving birth to her second child, only instead of a boy, it was a girl. Once both babies were clean and in Rhea's arms, she had never felt so complete.

She never believed the stories about how a mother loved their children instantly, simply because of how Esther turned against her kids but more with how her own mother turned against her when she learned that Rhea was a siphon.

There was no doubt in Rhea's mind that she wasn't going to love her twins unconditionally, give and show them the love of a parent that she never got growing up, but that didn't chase away the fear of not being good enough for them.

Maybe that was a common fear, not being good enough but when she looked up at Matthias and saw the tears in his eyes as he looked at the three of them, she knew that she would be okay.

"I love you." Matthias sniffled as he kissed the top of her head once more. "I love you so much."

Rhea beamed up at him tiredly. "I love you too."

"God, I can't wait to marry you." Matthias laughed as he took a baby from Rhea. "You're going to be a Mikaelson soon darling, how does it feel?"

Rhea hummed as she cradled the baby in her arms. "It feels like the day can't come soon enough."

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