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chapter nineteen.

Nadia pushed herself to sit up and looked down at the wound in her chest to see that it was healed. She looked around and sighed in relief to see that Rhea was there, even though Katherine was not.

"Are you alright?" Rhea asked her and Nadia nodded her head.

"I thought she would've killed me." Nadia confessed to her.

"Katherine may be a lot of things, but she's changed." Matthias spoke up as he walked inside. "She could never kill you."

"He's right." Katherine said as she walked in from the kitchen. "Now I have a question for you that's been nagging at me for the past 500 years." Rhea stood from her spot in front of the couch and Katherine sat there. "Where were you in 1498?" She asked her.

Nadia thought about it for a moment. "I don't know I was eight." She told her honestly. "Why?"

"Because by 1498 I'd escaped." Katherine told her. "Ditched the people that were chasing me and found my way back to Bulgaria. I searched every village, every cottage, but I couldn't find you." Katherine admitted to her, it was something that she's only ever told Matthias.

Nadia was shocked as she looked at her mother. "You went back?"

"Yes Nadia." Katherine swallowed down the lump in her throat. "I went back for you." Nadia was fighting back tears as Katherine smiled softly at her and held out a cup of tea. "It's nice to meet you."

Matthias and Rhea had long left the room to give Katherine and Nadia their moment together. Matthias and Rhea were in the kitchen while Klaus was elsewhere with Hope in his arms. Hayley walked into the kitchen with papers and pens.

"Here you two go." She handed it to them.

"Do I have to?" Matthias asked with a sigh.

Rhea laughed as Hayley said, "Yes."

"Matthias, can I talk to you?" Hayley asked nervously.

Rhea picked her paper and pen before kissing Matthias on the cheek. "I'll go check on Nadia."

Once Rhea was gone, Matthias listened into the area to find that none of his siblings were listening in on them. While he could spell the room, he didn't really feel like doing so.

"What's up?" He asked her.

"Jackson and I have to get married if we want to free the wolves from the witches." She rushed out and Matthias' eyes widened. "It's a unification ceremony where my hybrid abilities will be given to them, they will no longer be bound by the moon."

Matthias hummed and let out a sigh. "And you're afraid to tell Klaus."

"I love him." Hayley admitted, "We've had moments and those moments give me so much peace and I don't want to hurt him. I don't want to be without him, but my people need me." She stressed and looked on the verge of tears. "I want to help them, but the price is that I lose Klaus and I don't know if I can live with that."

"Well, doesn't Jackson have feelings for Katherine still?" He asked Hayley and Hayley's eyes widened. "Think of it as you and Jackson being best friends, forever, not lovers because you've known that Jackson's heart belongs to another, and he knows that yours does as well."

Hayley nodded her head, "Jack and I will have to talk about it." She admitted. "But that does make me feel better."

"Now, go talk to Klaus about it." He waved her off and Hayley left to do just that.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

After Klaus and Hayley had their moment, after Katherine and Nadia had talked with one another, and after they had lit the bonfire and threw in their wishes, Matthias really wanted this all to be over more than anything.

Rebekah had stated that she would hand herself over to their mother and kill her. Hayley and the other girls all sat outside talking about Hope while the four siblings talked about Rebekah's crazy plan.

"It'll work." Rebekah told them. "She will be distracted during the spell. She'll be vulnerable.

"No, if we kill her, she body-jumps." Klaus explained to her.

"Then stop her from jumping!" Rebekah told him as if it was obvious. "Matthias is a bloody tribrid."

"Matthias isn't some bloody weapon Rebekah." Klaus snapped at her. "And if I knew how to bloody stop her from jumping, don't you think I would have happily murdered her ages ago?"

"Well, ages ago, you didn't have a Harvest girl or a Mikaelson witch. Kol knows all of her tricks." Rebekah told him.

"Are you both insane?" Elijah questioned.

"Hardly, Elijah. It was your idea." She reminded him. "You're the one who said she needed a win, and if we get this right, then she'll have one."

"And if we get it wrong, you're no longer in your own body!" Elijah stressed to her.

"Would that be the worst thing? You were ready to do it yourself." She told him.

Klaus and Matthias looked at one another before looking at Elijah. "It was a foolish moment, and one that you sagely dissuaded me from." Elijah said.

"Hopefully, we'll get lucky and stop the spell before I jump." Rebekah said with a sigh.

"And, if we're not, you'll get what you always wanted." Klaus said.

Matthias couldn't help but laugh at this. "Of course, anything to get what she wants."

Rebekah was hurt by this and swallowed nervously. "I mean, that's what you're saying, isn't it? You're willing to lose."

"I'm willing to risk losing, yes." Rebekah corrected him, but they weren't buying it.

"Well, we need to find someone for her to jump into. Someone anonymous. Someone who could disappear with Hope and Rhea." Klaus looked to Elijah and Matthias.

"Woah, woah." Matthias spoke but he was ignored.

"Rebekah, we've been together for centuries. If you were human-"

Rebekah cut him off, "When I'm old and wrinkly, you can dump me back into my old body. Nik already has a coffin he can store me in."

Elijah crossed his arms, "But, to trust Kol?"

"You don't get to speak about trust!" Matthias snapped angrily. "Neither of you do! You tried to kill Klaus and nearly succeeded had he not told you the truth about our siblings. You helped the Salvatore's open the coffin that we sealed for a reason and now look where that has led us!" He yelled at Elijah who looked guilty before he looked at Rebekah. "You called Mikael to New Orleans for your own selfish gains instead of being patient! You tried to help Marcel in taking down Klaus because you didn't like how he was doing things! Time and time again you both have worked against us and only for moments is it with us." His eyes flashed gold and they all looked shocked.

"Matthias." Klaus tried but Matthias had enough.

"No." He snapped at his twin brother. "You snapped my neck, you let Marcel hurt Kol and you hurt Finn. You know that Kol only agreed because he wanted to break the link between us, he will help because he's doing it for me, you all have failed to show him anything other than betrayal so yes he's not going to trust you or ever truly feel like he's your brother. I was the one who included him, I was the one that made Finn feel like he was actually my brother and not some stranger because you all preferred Elijah who, newsflash, isn't bloody perfect seeing as he's done things he's yet to tell Klaus."

Elijah felt his heart sink at this, Matthias knew, Matthias had known the truth and he hadn't told Klaus. Rebekah and Klaus both felt guilty as they knew Matthias was right. He was always right when he called them out on their behavior and stunts.

"Kol will do it because I asked him, but he's still going to want a price, so whatever he asks for, you're giving him whatever he wants." Matthias snapped at Klaus before exiting the room.

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