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a quick reupload as I replaced a small snippet with the correct version.


chapter forty-eight.

Vincent walked into the Strix's hideout with the faux spell tucked into his pocket, he didn't flinch when Aya, Tristian's right hand appeared before him.

"Why have you come?" She asked him threateningly.

"Matthias plans to kill Elijah and wipe you all out." Vincent told her. "Now, I don't much like Elijah, but I would rather take out the twins before him." Aya felt her stomach drop at this, if Elijah died then they would all die. Vincent pulled out the spell from his back pocket, "I've acquired the linking spell that Matthias preformed and if you have strong witches then they should be able to break the link between Elijah and you all."

Aya hastily took the spell, "How do I know this isn't a trap?"

Vincent pulled out two vials of blood, "Because I hate the Mikaelson's a lot more than anyone cares to believe."

Aya fell for the fake conviction in his voice, she fell for his act and Vincent could only smirk in triumph when Aya took the blood from him and motioned for him to follow her.

Vincent followed her to the basement of the place, he noticed the witches gathered below and was thankful that Matthias placed a protection spell on him because he truly felt outnumbered here.

Aya handed a girl the spell, "Can it be done?"

The girl looked over the spell then the blood given to her. "I believe so. If we channel the magic in Matthias' blood, then we should be able to delink you all from Elijah."

"Then, use Marcel's venom to kill Klaus because since Matthias is linked to him, the two will go down together." Vincent told them and Aya smirked.

"We have the upper hand, but let's not celebrate yet." Aya told him. "We must prepare for a battle because they're coming." Vincent nodded his head and followed Aya out of the room.

Everything was going as planned.

Matthias, Marcel, Bonnie, and Rebekah approached the place where Tristian was hiding.

"They don't know we're here." Matthias told them with a smirk. "Should we surprise them?"

"My guys will give us the cover we need." Marcel told Matthias. "Thankfully you guys gave them a boost because we're going against some ancient vampires here."

Bonnie smiled softly. "Oh, I think with Matthias's magic and mine combined, your vampires are strong enough to take on an original."

"Let's not test that though." Rebekah laughed and Matthias nodded his head in agreement.

Matthias' phone went off, a single text from Klaus saying that Elijah was running to stop them with Freya was all Matthias needed to nod his head and it was time.

Marcel lifted his hand and dropped it, signaling his vampires to go, and they stealthily rushed at the place. The four followed behind, Marcel sticking with Bonnie as Rebekah and Matthias ripped out heart and cut off heads.

Bonnie was witnessing a whole new side to Matthias as he released his inner beast, allowing his bloodlust to take control and relish in the feeling of the warm liquid coating his clothes. Matthias' eyes shone gold as he bit into a vampire's neck and ripped out a good chunk of his skin, leaving behind an incurable bite in its place.

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