Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: There is a slight bit of blood in here and mental trauma-related, but y/n isn't greatly affected by it. You find your way outta things and prevent the worst-case scenario from happening.

I wake up in a small room. 

The walls are white; the floor is white, the bed, the table, the chair, everything is white. 

The bright light gleams like ivory teeth piercing through my eyes. My stomach tightens, cold sweat coats my body like a swarm of bees on a single flower. 

Where am I? I look down to see a white gown, then around, looking for a window. 


Silence lumbers in the air, weighing down on me like the sky on my shoulders. 

When did I get here?

What's going to happen to me?

Did I get kidnapped?

The white door slowly opens on smooth hinges, the small gust of wind the only reason I lift my head and, a woman glides in. 

Her steps are noiseless like a ghost, and she has the same white mask the man had worn. 

She is wearing a white dress, white stockings, and white boots. Black gloves hug her fingers and, her silky black hair cascades down her shoulders like a waterfall. 

I watch as she gets closer and closer. She stops at the edge of the bed. 

I take a deep breath as softly as I can to calm the nerves that boil in my blood.

"What do you want from me?" I stare into her blank face, an eerie mask of loneliness. She ignores my question.

"Y/n, how old are you?" I frown. A stillness hung in the air.

"I'll ask again. Y/n, how old are you?"

"Why do I-" My left cheek erupts into pain. The sharp sound of her palm hitting my face rings through the room.

"I'm 8." I hold my hand up to my face, a tear unwillingly rolling down my cheek.

"Good girl. Now, follow me."

We walk through several halls of white, each hall housing numbered doors and no presence of the outside world. 

I lose count of the turns we take after a while and just focus on keeping up with the woman. She suddenly stops at a white door, no different from the others, and turns the handle. 

The room is cold. 

My bare feet sting against the frosty floor and my breath mists as if I breathe smoky tendrils like a dragon. 

The door seals with a whisper in my shadow, taking my freedom and confining me in this ghostly room. 

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