Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey hey! I'm finally back!! It's been over a month already! Please accept my deepest apologies~! School's hit a bit harder than I expected, I'm juggling my homework, tests and extracurricular activities and just haven't had enough time to sit down and write. Unfortunately, I don't think this chapter has much in store for you, however, I did try to make it a tad bit longer than the others. Hope you enjoy!! :)

The name of the crew members (other than Bepo, Shachi, Penguin and Jean Bart) and their 'occupation' are completely made up, cause that stuff is still a bit of a mystery.

I gasp as I wake from yet another nightmare. Sweat trickles down my temples and condenses on my back. A flash of bright light blinds me as I open my eyes, panic rising in my chest before some part of me realises that it was the soft blue light of Law's submarine. 

I sit up in the bed, still shaking from how real my nightmare had felt. I was alone in the room, but the sheets beside me were still faintly warm.

"Law?" My voice comes out in a whisper, fearing for the worst. What if I did something wrong and he left me? A sinking feeling instantly weighs down in my stomach. 

I slide out of the bed and grasp onto the walls. Stumbling from fatigue and nausea, I crash into a table and a cry escapes my lips.

"Law! Where are you?" Don't leave me! I don't want to be left alone, not anymore...
A door swings open and Law rushes out, a towel wrapped around his waist. Tears were streaming down my face as he embraces me.

"I thought... I thought that you left me." A moment of silence hung in the air, his fingers stroked my hair.
"No, I won't leave you. I've decided that you'll be staying by my side for a while." I hummed lightly, a sense of security washing over me. I look into his golden eyes, his wet hair dripping onto my face.

"Do you promise?" He holds out his little finger. Confusion creases my eyebrows. This gesture seemed so familiar yet so foreign, someone I had loved very much used to do the same thing. Law gently grabs my hand, bending my little finger around his.
"I promise." Memories of my family create a haze in my mind and I close my eyes.

"Mummy? Do you promise to stay with me my whole life?" My arms stretched out, trying to show my mum how long she needs to be with me. I puff my chest and cheeks out and stand on my tippy toes. Mum giggles and bends down to ruffle my hair.

"Y/n, you know that mummy and daddy will have to leave you some day in the future." She smiles as my dad sits down at the table. "But when we're gone, you'll still have your big brother!" My arms droop a little.

"But I don't want you guys to leave." Mum kneels down beside me.
"Don't worry y/n, we're strong and healthy and won't be beaten by a little time! I promise to be with you for as long as you need! Here!" Mum holds out her little finger and intwines it around mine.

"This is a pinky promise! You need to chant: Pinky promise, don't tell lies, if I do, stick some needles in my eyes! Say it with me y/n!" I giggle and beam at my mum.

"Honey, isn't it-" My dad begins, 
"No! This is going to be our special chant! Come one y/n!" I curl my finger tight and we chant the rhyme three times. I laugh through the whole thing and jump up and down. I move away, but mum stops me.

"Wait!" She presses her thumb tightly against mine.

"Don't forget the kiss to seal the deal!"

The corners of my lips tug upwards at the memory,  tears welling in my eyes. I look back into Law's eyes, his concerned features studying mine.

"Law?" I get a hum as a reply.
"Do you know the pinky promise rhyme?" His eyebrows furrow, our little fingers were still hooked together. 

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