Chapter 20

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A/N: Look..... 
I can't go starting off every chapter with an apology....
for another very late update, idek how long its been, but it's been a loooonnnggg time
Well then, please enjoy the chapter! ^^

The two biggest problems of this operation are how we will get all the people we rescue off the island and where they will go afterwards. Only a few will be mentally and physically stable. Most of them will never recover from the trauma and accumulated damage.

This means they need to be taken care of.

But who will do it?

A pirate crew doesn't go out of their way to help civilians. Getting them out of there is already a big favour the crew is doing for me.

And I can't take care of them all by myself.

I sigh, one long and deep enough for Law to glance up from his papers with a look of concern. He cocks his head in question, and I give a small smile, though I couldn't hide the exhaustion from reaching my eyes.

"Y/n, don't push yourself too hard, you've barely recovered from injuries and... " And my own mental damage is what he wanted to say. He shakes his head, the tuffs of his hair brushing from side to side, before leaning in and showing me the document in his hand.

"It seems that your parents had moved themselves to an undocumented island 5 years ago. That's the last bit of information I could find about them, they could still be there or have moved someplace else."

My parents? Why did Law dig up files about my parents at a time like this?

"If they are still on that island, and if we can locate them, " he says, "I think we'll have a place to move everyone." I blink, what he said makes a lot of sense. My parents dedicated their lives to finding me and rescuing those in my shoes.

If they disappeared off the surface of the world, it is highly likely that they established a secret refugee home for the ones they saved, out of the government's eyes. I nod at Law, before scanning through the paper.

I paused at the date at the bottom of the page, both the month and the date were smudged, and only the year was visible. Despite the smudged ink, I feel as if I know the date, a very important date.

"Law, can we postpone the date to next week? I want to stop at the island south of our destination." He glances at me.

"Sure, as long as you're fine with it. It'll also give us more time and resources to prepare." It'll take one day to reach our first stop. I get the feeling that it is a stop that we must make, one that might change our plans for the better or the worse.

"I'll go tell the crew to set course for a detour." We head out of Law's office, splitting off at an intersection where he goes down to the navigation team and me towards the dining hall.

Detour: at the island

We watch the yellow submarine submerge into the sparkling blue water before splitting off in different directions in our terrible disguises to gather resources and information. I glance up at Law, the bright sun reflecting off his black sunnies and his fake moustache glistening proudly under his nose.

I nearly lose myself laughing hysterically with the thought that he managed to deceive Penguin and Shachi with this mischievous look and scared Utah enough for her to pick up a frying pan in defence. It would be a miracle if the navy could be deceived so easily as well.

A sweet wafting aroma floats in the air around us like perfume. It makes Bepo, Shachi and Penguin take several deep breaths, before forming puddles of saliva at the feet. I chuckle, wondering what the source of the smell was.

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