Chapter 25

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We beeline to the exit of the White Rooms, almost getting caught by the navy a couple of times but we managed to evade any trouble thanks to the meaninglessly complicated hallways.

Keita and his team had already reached the place we left the dismembered body of the man, he told me to hurry to the east shore, where the rest of my crew should be.

He said that three members of our crew were waiting at the exit and that the rescue boat was already packed and ready to depart.

I sit comfortably in Law's arms as the exit comes into sight.

"You can put me down now, thanks. I want to walk out of here on my own two feet." He places me down gently and hands me the sword that I dropped.

"Y/n, you can rest easy now, you won't have to see this place ever again." I nod and look him in the eye.

"And I hope no one ever will."

The corners of my lips tug upwards and with that, we turn our backs and walk out the deathly pale door, hand-in-hand.

I've left.

It's gone.

With each step I take, I get further away from that place.

With each step I take, I feel the weight lift from my shoulders.

With each step I take, I am closer to home.

I thought that I was free before, but I had only had a mere taste of freedom.

Now, the shackles have all snapped.

Not just for me, but for all those that can now satiate their hunger with this freedom.

They can taste the salt in the air, see the deep blue sky, smell the crisp sea breeze, hear the crashing of the waves and the thumping of their heart, and feel the warmth of a spectrum of colours.

In front of me, a door closes and locks shut. No one has the key, no one wants to.

In front of us, a door opens and we witness a miracle. No one has a key, we are the key. No one can ever close it for us.

Law squeezes my hand tighter as we step out into the open.

There, Penguin, Shachi and Bepo pace about eyes flickering over their surroundings.

As soon as their eyes land on us, all three of them race towards us with arms open wide and smiles beaming.

For thirteen years of my life, I didn't know what the purpose of life was.

But now I do, I live to see their smiles and beyond.

"Y/n!" The three boys cry, pulling me into a crushing embrace.

"Shall we?" I grin, pointing into the horizon.

The boys cheer and we make our way to the east shore.


The shore was no different to the first time I saw it, except that a huge ship replaced where the Polar Tang once was.

I see Utah waving at us from the ship's deck before turning in a hurry and calling out a bunch of instructions to the crew behind her.

An older woman leans over the side of the railing leans down and calls to us.

"Y/n! Hurry up and get on, we need to leave NOW!" I squint my eyes to try to make out who that person was, but the darkness was hindering my vision and I couldn't make out her features.

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