Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV

Sleep still lingers on my eyelids as I slowly force them open. My body feels heavy, not from exhaustion, but perhaps from oversleeping? It's been so long since I had a goodnight's sleep, my body must know that I'm back home. 

The nightmares that had eased off during the month I spent on the Polar Tang came screeching back with full throttle the night I stepped off the yellow submarine. Thanks to that, I barely got a wink of sleep. But my mind last night was accompanied by sweet dreams of a certain raven-haired captain.

The darkness of the room combined with my drowsiness hindered me unable to recognise my surroundings. I definitely wasn't in the infirmary anymore, someone had moved me while I was sleeping. 

I try to sit up, but only get halfway before realising something heavy was pinning the lower half of my body.

My eyes adjust to the darkness of the room and I turn to see Law, his sleeping face resting next to mine and his arm drooped across my abdomen as if to prevent me from escaping. I relax before furrowing my brow. Law? That name seemed almost foreign even in my mind, when did I start calling him by his name again? 

I shrug it off and watch him sleep. I nearly laugh, he always had that grumpy face, even in his sleep! I could tell that his jaw was clenched tight, I can see the muscles in his face shifting from time to time. Perhaps he is stressed? 

I lift up a finger and bring it to his cheek, giving a light poke trying to soften his face up. I remember Chopper asking me if I was stressed the first few days I was on board the Sunny. He said that stress can cause a lack of sleep and tension in muscles, headaches and can really mess up your diet. He told me that both my body and my mind seem to be stressed out. At that time, I thought about Law, and how he seemed to be experiencing these things. 

Obviously, I asked how to fix stress, but he told me it wasn't that easy. Chopper said the most important things are to sleep, eat, and not worry about too much. However, those are the three things Law doesn't do. I always see him with big panda eyes, he doesn't eat anything unless it's onigiri, and he worries about too much - like if Penguin and Shachi were still alive if no one sees them for five minutes. 

I remember going around to the rest of the Strawhats and asking them how they keep their stress contained. From memory, Zoro was asleep and Brook got kicked by Nami before even starting his answer. Nami told me to stay away from Luffy and steal money. These three weren't exactly helpful, to say the least, so I went to Robin. This wasn't entirely helpful either, because she asked if this was about Law, and I said yes. She told me that the best way to get someone to stop stressing is by knocking them out, that way, they get their sleep and stop worrying about things. 

It was a very long day.

And so I somehow wound up in the kitchen asking Sanji. His words and actions are still clear in my mind. 
"Women! Real women!!" what he said. Then he continued to rant on about who, what, why... "The cure for all my troubles and pain! The most beautiful beings in this world, I am never stressed because Nami-sannn glares at me and Robin-chwann smiles at me every day and any stress I might have instantly melts awayyy. Oh~ If by any miracle a beautiful angel embraces me in a hug or kisses me with those soft, silky lips- Gya~" And then he fainted in a pool of red. 

I poke Law's cheek again and this time he grunts, frowning slightly and muttering something incoherent. Is a hug or a kiss really that amazing? When I was still with my family, I remember how they would always shower me with hugs and kisses all the time, even more so when I was upset or hurt. Every time they gave me a hug, I felt so warm and happy. Every time they gave me a kiss, it felt like all the problems I was experiencing would vanish into thin air. Perhaps they really are magical.

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