Chapter 15

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"Get the ship to the east side of the island, there should be an area that is out of sight." I say, scanning the area around it while sliding on a pair of black leather gloves I found in Captain's closet. His long black coat almost drags along the floor as I walk, but the boots make me slightly taller. I give Bepo a pat on the back before heading upstairs, getting ready for a quick departure. I need the ship to stay out of sight for as long as possible, I want to minimize the amount of conflict the crew has to go through.

Captain is being held on the south side, a place where guards seem to be everywhere I look. Getting in wasn't an issue, but getting out will be difficult. I can hide my presence but I don't think I can hide someone else's presence. 

The door swings open and I jump out onto the rocky sand before turning and sprinting towards the navy base. The crew knows the plan well. Everyone will be busy and we don't have a single second to waste. 

I slip behind a few guards and into the base, none of them sparing me a second glance. The key vault is two halls down, the cell two levels underground. I walk steadily past more guards, blood pumping as they get further and further away from me. So far, so good. My nerves jump with every sound I hear, the sound of footsteps, chatter and even my own breath. I round a corner, almost running into a soldier.

My heart nearly jumps out of my mouth, I was careless. Thankfully, he doesn't notice me. I inch my way around him, staying out of his line of sight, paranoid after that slip-up. Another pair of footsteps rush towards the soldier, I was too nervous paying to hear the first part of the sentence.

"... l/n, the Heart Pirates' ship has been spotted off the east coast by underwater patrols, " my blood freezes, "we believe that they are back to rescue their captain, Trafalgar Law." Cold sweat formed down my nape, did they know I was here? I turn slowly, catching a glance at the two navy soldiers.
"I see, tighten security around the cell and wait for my orders."
"Yes sir!" The sound of my heartbeat thumps loudly in my ears. That voice. One of the soldiers runs in the opposite direction, no doubt going to make our operation more difficult.

The other soldier turned on his heels but then stops in his tracks. I glance up, panicking. Our eyes lock and for a moment, time seems to stop, before I regain my senses and sprint for the key vault.
"Y/n?" I gasp and look back, but I keep running. Who is that? How did he see me? I shake my head, that isn't important right now. I need to get Captain out of there before things get messy. The strange soldier doesn't follow me, he just stands there as if he had seen a ghost.

No one guards the key vault. I push on the door, the hinges creak in agony. I wince and glance behind me. Safe. A whole array of keys cover the walls, each of them numbered and coloured differently. Captain's sea stone shackles are numbered 52 and he is being held in cell 9. The numbers bring a shudder down my spine, 529, what a coincidence.

Footsteps echo in the halls, the voices pounding inside my head. Hearing too much is a pain, my skull feels as if someone was trying to crush my bones to dust. I drown out the useless sounds and focus on the voice of Captain. He sounds better than yesterday, the navy had treated his wounds and given him food. To his distaste, stale bread and a glass of water; he didn't even look at the bread despite the horrid state he was in. Nevertheless, his body somewhat recovered overnight and he should be in a well enough state to escape.

I pull out the small Den Den Mushi and dial the ship. The navy is aware of their presence already, a little earlier than I hoped, but it should work out fine.
"... I'm sorry..."
"Bepo? Is everyone ready?" Most of the crew were to be left on deck; some need to man the navigation and prepare to leave at second's notice while the others need to prepare medical equipment to treat any of the wounded, namely the Captain himself. The rest will be following Bepo, hiding, for the time being, meeting me and Captain at the south exit as 'personal escorts'.

Penguin and Shachi are on diversion duty, I asked them to make several smoke bombs and cans of sleeping gas. We don't have the time to fight the whole navy. The two boys also had their minds on something else, setting off a false alarm and temporarily disabling the communication system in the navy base. However, I don't expect them to have the time for that but it would be very helpful if it succeeded. 

"Yes, we are y/n!"
"Great, I'm on my way to Captain now."

There was something that I've been wanting to try out ever since I watched Captain get caught and wanted to scream at him. Is it possible for me to transmit my voice over a long distance using the same 'channel' idea I used to talk only with Nami? I am three halls away from Captain, and he has no idea that the crew is trying to save him.

I focus on the source of his voice and imagine manually opening the gate between the two sources of flowing water, and then the two streams connecting. I suddenly feel a wave of emotions and hear a new line of thoughts, they were all Captain's. I probe, pushing against an invisible wall.

Captain? I see him look around in confusion.
Can you hear me? It's me, y/n. I'm talking in your head. He stops searching for the source of voice and visibly relaxes, though still confused.
Y/n? Where are you? What's going on? I feel my spirits lift, I did it! We can talk to each other!
What happened, y/n? Why did you suddenly get so happy? I gasp, he can feel my emotions too!
No, it doesn't matter. I'll explain to you afterwards. Right now, you need to get ready to escape. I'm one hall away from you. He doesn't say anything. A mix of surprise and even more confusion floods my senses.
Y/n, I think I get the gist of things. The guards around here have increased so be careful, all right? I smile.
Of course, Captain!

I come to a halt outside a door.
Captain, I found something important.
A strong and familiar voice cries out to me.
Kikoku. Captain states. I open the door and hurry inside. Stashes of weapons and armoury fill each gap in the room. I dig around, finally finding his trusty nodachi. I nearly forgot about it. But thankfully, the sword is very loud. 

On my way out, I grab another katana, I watched Zoro train enough the last week to be able to handle one rather efficiently, it'll hopefully help us get out safely.
It seems like your two weeks must have been very busy.
Yeah, it was a priceless experience. I'll be sure to fill you in on all the details after we get your skin out of here.

The navy officers suddenly erupt into a frenzy, Den Den Mushis ring throughout all the halls. I feel Captain tense up and my head spins slightly from all the noise. I glue myself onto the wall, trying to avoid all the people running about. The crew above the surface must be causing a racket already.
The soldiers thin out a bit, giving me space to breathe and less trouble to worry about. 

The lights suddenly go out and I feel all the Den Den Mushis' lose connection. The boys really were serious about it. The guards and soldiers all run about frantically, panicking and out of sync. It seems like their commander or whatnot was above ground fending off my crew. I don't even need to hide my presence now, no one is paying me attention. Or rather, they can't see me with the lights out. But I still hide my presence, better safe than sorry.

I continue down the same path, I can navigate the halls with my other senses and avoid any unwanted collisions. A few navy soldiers were trying to get the electricity back on again. I speed up my pace, we need to hide in the confusion and darkness for as long as possible. Who knows how far we can get with Captain's injuries? 

I turn down another hall, suddenly running into a body. I gasp and start sprinting, but a cold hand grabs my wrist. Why didn't I feel the presence?
Y/n? What happened? I pull my hand away but they don't let go. Reluctantly, I turn around and I see a pair of sparkling green eyes staring straight at me. 

I feel my body get pulled forwards and warm arms wrap around my shoulders. A familiar feeling washes over me. For some reason, my instincts tell me that this person is harmless. I feel no hostility from him. Instead, I feel a heartbreaking sadness accompanied by a heartwarming love. Just who is this person?

"Y/n, I'm so glad that you're safe!" He whispers into my ear, still not letting me go. I'm suddenly hit by a wave of emotions and memories, and a sudden realisation sinks into my gut. I feel a tear roll down my face and a sob forms in my throat. How did I not notice?

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