Chapter 12

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A/N: I'm finally back with a new chapter! no need to keep yall waiting, enjoy ^^!!

Y/n's POV

A month has passed since I had first stumbled upon the Heart Pirates. My wounds have long been healed and now I'm finally feeling strong again. 

However, my mental state could still be better. Because of that, Law has been making my stay in his room for the time being; I still jolt awake, sweating and shaking as memories of the Q-room haunt my slumber. 

I feel as though the 13 years of happiness that I missed had all come back during the past month. I am so grateful to be in the care of these people. 

I ease my fingers over the now-familiar knots and ropes, unfurling the sail from the mast as I breathe in the morning sunshine and fresh air. 

My skin glowed under the gentle light, the colour several shades darker than a few weeks ago. Now it resembled the colour in my memories, the healthy s/c layer that coated every inch of my body. 

I smiled as I rubbed my arms, happy to have gotten back another part of me.
"Y/n! Come have some breakfast!" I glance down to see Law looking up at me, shading his eyes from the bright sun. An idea pops into my head, something Law definitely wouldn't approve of, but it seemed fun. 

"Catch me!" Law's eyes widen and opens his mouth to say something, but it was too late, I was already in mid-air. I see him sigh, accepting his fate as he takes off his fur hat.

A small circle appears from his palm and then it expands. I watch in awe as the space around me becomes light blue. Throughout my time on the Polar Tang, I only recently discovered that Law had eaten a devil fruit. 

He throws his hat into the air and I giggle, knowing what comes next.
"Shambles." My surrounding suddenly shifts and I land in Law's arms. I reach out and his hat floats its way into my hand, before I pull it over my head, still warm from being on Law's head.

"Y/n, I thought I told you that it was dangerous to do that. You're still recovering." I pout as he carries me into the dining hall, bridal-style. 
"Your observations as a doctor need to get better. I'm clearly already completely recovered! Besides, you catch me every time!" He sighs and mutters under his breath before pulling his usual smirk.
"Next time I won't catch you." I reach up to ruffle his fluffy hair, a cheeky grin on my face.
"That's what you've said every time, liar~" 

"Y/n, I know that I was the one who suggested it, but are you sure you're up for it?" Law had asked if I wanted to travel with another band of pirates for more experience. They were called the Strawhat Pirates. 

Law had said that his crew could only offer me so much more knowledge. The Strawhats were in an alliance with the Heart Pirates, and Law trusted them enough to let me on their ship for a fortnight. 

Penguin had secretly told me that Law didn't want me to leave so soon, he wanted to keep me by his side. 
"I'm sure! If it'll expand my knowledge and help you more in the future, I can't afford to miss this opportunity!" I lay on Law's bed, one of his medicine books splayed out in front of me. He leaned on the wall, a thoughtful expression on his face. 

A soft object hit my nose, then plopped down on the bed. It was Law's fur hat. 
"What's this for?" He looked away and a light pink spread over his cheeks.
"It's got a Vivre card stuck to it so that we can find you in a fortnight." I raise an eyebrow, a smile creeping its way to my lips.

He doesn't say anything, before sighing and giving up.
"And so that you won't miss me too much." I feel my heart leap with joy as I spring up from the bed and throw myself onto Law, giving him a big hug. He stumbles before catching himself and wrapping his arms around me. 
"Captain! Captain! They're here! I'm sorry..."

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