Chapter 14

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I jolt awake, sweat trickles down my forehead as I desperately scan the room. It takes me moments to realise that the massive explosion I heard was all a dream. The Sunny is fine, everyone is asleep, save Chopper and Ussop who are on guard duty. There is nothing around us that would pose a threat. 

My whole body trembled, the sound of the explosions and screams and shouts had sounded so real in that dream. I had heard someone yell, a familiar voice and a familiar face, but I struggle to recall who it had been and what they had said. 

There was something else that stuck out in that dream, a soft and comforting blue glow that wrapped itself around my surroundings and me. The harder I tried to remember, the more it seemed to fade from my memory. 

Sleep had long gone from my senses, it was useless trying to fall asleep now. I dress and make my way up to the crow's nest. 

The sun rose from the horizon, slowly making its way up to peek over the glistening sea. The waves were rougher than usual, the skies angrier and the air chillier. Despite being the weather of the New World, something didn't feel right. 

Sounds and visions of my dream echo in my head, flashing before my eyes and haunting my every breath. At first, I thought that it depicted the Sunny, that something bad would happen to us. But the Sunny is in no danger. The nearest ships and islands were miles away and the weather was nothing Nami couldn't handle. 

I can't shake the feeling that I was overlooking something important.

And then I realised.

My hands slipped and the weights crash onto the floor. I feel both Chopper and Ussop freak out on the deck but I didn't give them another thought. I had been so caught up looking for dangers to the Sunny that I didn't even think about dangers befalling another ship

My ship

A sudden wave of nausea sinks deep into my stomach just as Sanji clambers up into the crow's nest with an expression of worry. My vision blurs slightly and I stumble, Sanji barely catching me in time. I could see him calling my name but I hear nothing. 

All I could hear were the gunshots, the clashing of blades, the shouts of angerfeardesperation. Somewhere within all that chaos, I heard one word.


I squeeze my eyes shut, searching through all the voices to find the one that I needed to hear the most. The one that felt like home. Voices disappear left and right, thankfully, none that I recognize. At last, I find it, but his voice is so quiet; it is fading very fast. 

The battle was on land, right beside the Polar Tang. They couldn't get in and submerge, the crew is too scattered on the battlefield. Captain leant against a wall, the trio of Bepo, Penguin and Shachi close by. His breath was ragged and wounds covered his body. Not all of them were fresh from this battle. 

I can hear his thoughts and feel the pain that he suppressed through gritted teeth. They were fighting the navy but were having a lot more trouble than I imagined. Fights with the navy never lasted long, Captain was usually able to handle them on his own. But today, it was different. He is exhausted, his stamina almost completely gone and his body ached as if he had been trampled by a stampede of elephants. He glances around the battlefield, a plan forming quickly in his mind. 

But I don't like that plan. 

"Bepo, you guys," I could hear the pain in his voice, "in three seconds, you will find yourselves in the control room of the ship with the rest of the crew on board. Submerge immediately and evacuate. Tell the Strawhats that we'll be later than planned." Penguin and Shachi glance at each other. "And you?" Penguin asks through pants, worried. I want to scream at them.

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