Chapter 19

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A/N: I'M ALIVEEEE, it's been three weeks T^T long time no see everyone. My exams finished on Thursday and I started writing on Friday. 

During the three weeks, I was constantly thinking about how to continue the story and came up so many ideas. But the second I sat down and started writing, everything just disappeared! I was literally so lost ahh!! 

Well, here's what I finally went with, enjoy ^^

I almost jump out of my chair, the poor wooden structure swaying perilously as if about to fall down a windy mountain. The spoonful of fried rice was halfway to the floor, only to be saved by Law's quick recovery, reaction and devil fruit after jumping out of his skin. He looks at me with wide eyes, half standing, half sitting. 

"The Strawhats!" I gasp, realising that I had just left them on that island, departing without a word.
"I need to tell them we're ok! They probably think we're dead now!" I turn to leave the room, only to be picked up by Bepo and plopped back down onto my seat.

"Y/n, uh, I'm sorry... but it's already been three days since we left the navy camp, and I already gave them a call. Nami said that everyone's glad that we're ok, and that they will stay on that island for a while. I'm sorryy...."

The big polar bear slinks away, his head drooped over his chest and dark matter floating around him. I smile, and stand up.
"Thank you Bepo!" Flowers seem to bloom as I give him a hug.

Law sighs, and slumps heavily back into his chair. 
"Don't scare me like that." 

He was pouting and sulking.

I almost laugh, he seems so out of character, like a little child. I release Bepo after another squeeze and stand in front of Law. I take his hat off his head and pull it over my head, then gently place my hand over his hair and give it a ruffle. 

His reaction was like Bepo's, he almost instantly lit up and I could practically see the flowers around him. 

The ship suddenly rocks back and forth. The speaker in the dining hall crackles and Penguin and Shachi's voice fills the room.
"Clear skies, calm winds and beautiful sunshine second only to y/n's smiles. The yellow submarine has surfaced!" Everyone in the room cheers and immediately starts racing for the door.

Law grabs my hand and our surrounding suddenly shifts. Before I even get to admire the beauty of nature, the smell of the sea and the wind, the warm sunshine on my face, and the sound of lapping waves and singing birds, I was embraced.

He holds me tight, arms around my shoulder and head in my hair. I freeze, realisation suddenly hitting me. 

I feel tears well up in my eyes as I slowly wrap my arms around his waist. I bury my face into his chest, patches of the rough bandage sticking to my face.

I know I'm not sad. For the first time in 13 years, happy tears flowed from my eyes. A sob form in my throat, while a smile reaches out from my heart.

"Y/n, " he breathes into my hair, "I missed you." 

The corner of my lips tug upwards, and I feel my eyes shine. It was only two weeks, and I wasn't even in danger, in fact, I was enjoying myself every day! 

But nothing can compare to the happiness and security I feel around Law. 

I feel so lucky. 

I am so lucky.

If I hadn't escaped that day, if I hadn't walked along that shore, if I hadn't stumbled onto that yellow submarine, I would never have been this happy. 

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