Chapter 16

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I feel Captain relax as he figures that I'm in no danger, and his presence in my mind slips away. He was letting us spend some time alone.

A tall man of a thin but not skinny build, short wavy blond hair and crisp green eyes. He resembles a snake, his gaze sharp and alert, features clear and defined. I gasp, realization suddenly hitting me square in the face. Adrenaline courses through my veins and I am filled with a mix of emotions. My brain didn't know whether I should be happy or sad, excited or scared.

"K-Keita?" My vision blurs and my body starts to shake.
That piercing yet loving gaze and that warm smile worth a million stars. His laugh rings through my ears like a golden bell in the sky. I remember the sound of his voice, of his guitar, of the stories that he told like it was yesterday. I remember how we used to dance together and draw together, how we used to fight and argue and how our parents would send us to our rooms when we hit a little too hard. He was the candle that burned bright in the Q-room, never going out and always ablaze through any storm.

"Y/n, I was so worried, I never thought I'd ever see you again. Why are you here? They'll take you away again!" I turn and sob into his shoulder, 13 whole years. It took 13 years for me to see my family again, it was 13 too many.

But now isn't the time for tearful reunions, not after both of us have gotten so far. I can't be the reason Keita's years of hard work to give freedom to all be thrown down the drain. We have both gone down different paths and it's still too soon for us to cross. He wipes my tears away and I look him in the eye.

"Keita, I'm here to save my Captain." He blinks, then chuckles and sighs, a familiar gesture of defeat.

"Look at you, still the same little sister of mine who isn't afraid to get things done, " Keita sniffles and pats my head, "I'm so glad I got to see you!" I give him one last quick hug and a peck on the cheek, 
"And you're still the same big teddy bear that I love so much. Though it was a short reunion, this means much more than you'd think. Let's leave before things get messy. We'll see each other again! We'll find some safe way to communicate!" 

We give each other another long look, we didn't need any words as we depart. I realised that we shared a deeper bond than anyone would imagine. Despite the 13 years we were apart, our bond stayed strong and strengthened even more.

Sorry for the short detour Captain, I'll be there soon, get ready.
It's wonderful to see that this Captain of yours is not the top priority, ay? I snort. This brat can somehow make each syllable of his thoughts sport a smug attitude, pure talent.
Seems like you don't need my help getting out of that cell if you can crack jokes like that, Captain. Maybe I should just dangle these keys in front of you when I get there.

I feel Captain's amusement suddenly skyrocket, it feels almost as if we were back on the submarine. As if I wasn't running through dozens of navy soldiers and as if he wasn't stuck in a cell in a terrible state.
Captain, this isn't funny. I say, trying to suppress a smile.
Oh? Ok fine, I don't want your skin getting peeled off so take things more seriously. I huff, rolling my eyes as I near the cell.
Oi, that is not the attitude you have towards your captain.

I come to a halt outside the cell and give Captain a little wave, not that he could see me. It's the thought that counts. He's in better shape than I expected, it'll make escaping a much easier job. I take out the keys and unlock the cell, the guards were in a frantic mess, it's surprising to see trained navy officers completely helpless in the face of an electricity outage. I should tell Keita to add blackouts to the training program or something. Well, not that it matters to me.

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