Chapter 23

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The plan was for us to all emerge from the west shore, this way, those of us on land will attract attention to the opposite end of the escape route. Hopefully allowing us more time to free the captives and escape.

Half the crew including myself and Law will depart in a large group to infiltrate the building. The others will remain on the ship, preparing to provide first-rate hospitality for our guests.

Then, Law and three others will stand guard outside the White Room entrance, while I go in with the rest of the group.

From there, everything will depend on time, cooperation and luck.

I take a deep breath, earning a look and a cuddle from Law.

"Are you alright?" I nod, squeezing his hand tightly. He looks into my eyes for a few moments, before deciding that I was as ready as ever will be.

As he gave out his orders, I closed my eyes and took several more deep breaths. I pushed away all the unnecessary thoughts and opened my eyes again. I will do whatever I can to help these people.

I feel the Polar Tang bounce along the waves as it emerges from the deep.

Law pushes open the door and we file out into the night.

The west shore is much further to the White Rooms than the east shore, I was very lucky that I chose that path instead of this one. This path also has much less coverage and is a stretch of flat land, I would have been filled with many more bullets.

"The building's up ahead." Law whispers to me.

We will be going through the back entrance of the building. According to Keita's information, four guards would be standing at the front and back entrance with two patrols of four circling the building, switching places at the doors every ten minutes.

Law plans to knock these guards out when they come to switch shifts, then circle around to the front and knock out the guards at that post.

Afterwards, his group will join us.

These guards will be replaced with a new shift at 4 am. It was exactly midnight right now, which means we will have a time limit of four hours.

The inside crew will head straight for the White Rooms, as there will not be any more guards until we reach the entrance of the White Rooms.

We wait out of sight as Law and his little group sneak up to the four guards currently at the door.

I hear three thuds and a muffled groan and then the fourth thud before Law comes into view, gesturing for us towards him.

Once we get there, they've already moved the unconscious guards out of sight and thrown a navy jacket over their shoulders.

Each step I take towards the White Rooms send tingles down my spine, making my legs feel weak and heart pound in my ears.

Just standing at the entrance of the building is enough for me to have cold sweat running down my nape and a feverish heat spread rapidly across my skin.

I take another step forward, urging my body to move with the rest of the crew.

Law puts a cool hand on cheek.

"Stay safe y/n, wait for me." I relax at the sound of his voice, the soothing melody that saved me from my darkest times.

"I will." I smile, a little forced, but I meant it with all my heart.

"Oi, you three," Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo halt and turn to face us, "take care of her for me."

"Aye aye, Captain!" I feel my heart warm and the lingering fear disappears. I'll be safe with these guys.

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