Chapter 3

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12 years later, present time.

Even after all these years, the silence continues to be as loud as the screeches in my head. 

Sleep comes and goes as it likes; its presence is usually away. 

Sweat slides from my hairline to my chin and drips down to the floor in a small puddle. My muscles burn with glee each time I lower my body and push back up. 

I started working out after the pain from the Q-room became a numb feeling instead of unbearable agony. 

This was around three years after I was confined. 

I taught myself how to fight from the memories of watching my brother's weekly martial arts classes. 

The 'lessons' they gave me in the Q-room somehow awakened my memories and made them seem like the playback of a movie. I can see my childhood in clips and recall events in precise detail. 

I barely receive hits from a white mask anymore; I can remember everything they say down to how they say each word. 

I stand up and half-ass an attempt to wipe off the sweat that decorates my forehead. 

One of the white mask people is on their way to escort me. 

I lie down on the white bed and stretch my hand towards the sky. 

The sky. How long has it been since I last saw the sky? 

When was the last time I saw the rainbow, anything other than white, red, and black? 

I stare at my fingers. They are long, thin and pale, like the rest of my body. 

They give me one meal a day. White rice and a cup of pale liquid containing supplements for the nutrients I lack. 

I close my eyes and picture the white halls I will walk through in a few moments. 

I have one shot at this. 

A breeze notifies me of a white mask. They usually wait for me at the entry. But this time, I don't move. 

As I hoped, the figure walks in and stops at the side of my bed. 

"Y/n, it is time for your lesson." I remain still, staring up at the ceiling. 

A gloved hand reaches for my face. 

I grab the hand and twist, switching places with him and pinning him down. 

His head hits the metal frame of the bed, giving a satisfying crack before his arms go limp. I retain my grip on him and take off his mask. 

He doesn't wake up. 

I lift his eyelid just to confirm. 

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