Chapter 24

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and again, I am so so so sorry ;^;

wahhh I can't believe I left this story on a cliff hanger for over a month (or two??? i can't remember)...


please enjoy this chapter T^T

Law's POV

After taking out the last round of guards and dragging their stupidly heavy bodies into the building, we immediately set off to help y/n's group.

I've never been this nervous in my entire life, just the thought of y/n being in danger sets off several alarms. I can't stand the idea of her being hurt.

If she does, I might just lose my mind.

I barely slept a wink last night, a sickening feeling in my stomach not giving me a break.

I shove open the door to the White Rooms, much more out of breath than I expected. It seems I unconsciously started running.

"Captain!" Penguin comes running down the corridor.

"We only need to go to two more rooms before this place is empty of captives. So far, we haven't run into any major problems, I've sent a few groups towards the east shore already, they should be coming back soon." I nod, not really paying much attention to what he was saying as I scanned the corridors for y/n.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

"Where's y/n?" I ask, and Penguin glances around.

"My route is different to y/n's, I haven't seen her since we split. You should ask Shachi."

As if on cue, I see the orca hat out of the corner of my eye, speeding towards us.

"Captain! Captain! I can't find y/n anywhere. I hadn't seen her for a while so decided to check in, but she's disappeared!"

I feel my stomach drop, the sickening feeling I had before slamming into me like a brick wall.

I break off into a sprint, going through each corridor and opening each door.

"Wait! Capt- Nevermind, Shachi, go tell the others to search for y/n!"

I couldn't call for her, as I didn't want to alert any more guards.

My heartbeat fights with my breath, both of them as loud as a pack of demons storming in the underworld.

Cold sweat trickles down my nape like hungry parasites. I can't think straight, my mind is a frenzy, so numb and so dizzy.


Y/n's voice sends a shiver down my spine.

My eyes dart around in the darkness, searching, searching for any clue that might help me find her.

Law, can you hear me?

"Y/n, " my voice is dry and raspy, "please, please tell me you're safe. Where are you?" I can hear my heart racing in my chest, waiting in anticipation for an answer to my plead.


I stop in my tracks and scan the doors, cursing the damn sea stone etched in the walls as I change direction.

Everything would've been so much easier if I could use my powers.

Q, R, S, T...

I run down the hall.




A glint of silver on the floor of the corridor catches my eye and I feel the blood in my veins freeze with dread. It was y/n's sword, right outside room T-529.

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