Chapter 1 : The worry doll

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Army was the name of BTS fans, but it was still a very small army that protected the group by surrounding them with love. The seven boys knew the faces of many of them because they were the familiar faces that had followed them from their debuts. They saw them as a caring, encouraging family, and each meeting filled them with joy.

During these encounters, they received many gifts and letters from their fans and Seokjin sadly realized that he was often put aside and received very few gifts, compared to other members, but he had gotten into the habit.

So when Min-Hi, the young girl of about fifteen who was spoken to him and to whom he had just signed an autograph suddenly pulled a small carefully packed box from her bag, he was overcome with childish joy and thanked her warmly.

"Oppa, please open the box," Min-Hi said with a smile.

When Seokjin opened the box, he was surprised to find a doll that fit entirely in his palm and was barely larger than his thumb. The rag doll inside which the hand could guess wire, was covered with a multicolored woolen garment, and its arms were two sticks of wood like matchsticks. The rag face had been hand-embroidered and the expression it displayed was so strange that Seokjin only restrained himself from laughing out of respect for the young girl in front of him, who might be the one who had realized it herself. 

Instead, he widened his smile even more:

"The bright colors are beautiful and will cheer me up, thank you so much!"

It was true. The warm colors used to make the woolen clothes left an impression of positivity that contrasted with Seokjin's gloom of the past few days, and he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast.

"Seokjin-oppa, do you know what this is?" Min-Hi asked, obviously eager to explain.

"Is that a doll that makes us smile?" Seokjin ventured.

"Yes !!" The excited young girl exclaimed, "It's a Worry Doll that devours sorrows. Eomma brought it back to me from one of her trips to Guatemala. There, the children whisper their sorrows to their doll every night before falling asleep and putting it under their pillow. The next day, their sorrows from the day before are completely gone! I didn't believe it at first, but I tried it, and it worked every time, it's really magical!"

"Wow, that's incredible! But if it's a gift from your mom, you should keep it Min-Hi: who will help you drive your fears away at night if you don't have it with you anymore?" Seokjin asked gently.

The young fan shook her head.

"BTS and Jin-oppa are helping me face my fears now, so I want to help you drive yours away as well."

"Ooh, that's really sweet!" Seokjin grabbed Min-Hi's hands and squeezed them between his. "In that case, I'm happy to accept your gift as a talisman."

"This way, Seokjin-oppa will no longer appear so sad next to others!" concludes the young girl, blushing in contact with Seokjin's warm hands.

Seokjin hadn't realized that he was hiding his sadness so badly despite his best efforts. He was going to have to fix that and work his acting more so as not to make his fans sad.

The young girl was so happy to give him this present that Seokjin did not want to disappoint her:

"Thank you very much Min-Hi, I will let the doll know my worries, I promise. And the next time we see each other, I won't be sad at all thanks to you!"

He didn't believe in the magical power of his doll but if it acted like a teenage girl's diary, maybe he could at least calm down by verbalizing his worries without leaving a written record that a prying eye could read. And he had to do it at least once anyway to keep his promise.

He greeted the girl, shaking his hands, one still holding the doll that seemed to follow Min-Hi one last time with its weird gaze.

Seokjin and the worry eating doll ✔️Where stories live. Discover now