Chapiter 20 : Bound

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"Jin hyung, are you sure?" Namjoon asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," Seokjin agreed. He had to make this decision for those he cared to protect.

A feeling of relief ran through the group and Seokjin felt it. He realized how important it was to them that the doll disappear. He watched as Hoseok immediately got up and went to get a large candle, a box of matches and a steel tray to collect the ashes.

The dancer placed the tray and the candle on the coffee table and struck a match which ignited. He then lit the candle and shook the match to extinguish it. Thus gathered, kneeling around the coffee table and therefore the candle which lit their faces with a moving orange glow, they had the impression that they were going to attend an occultist session in the secrecy of their dormitory.

"Won't the smoke detector go off?" Jimin worried.

"I don't think the doll burns long enough since almost its entire body is made of fabric but at worst, we don't care," Yoongi replied. "The main thing is to destroy it, we'll deal with the other consequences afterwards."

It didn't matter if anyone thought BTS almost set their dorm on fire since no one would ever want to believe they only wanted to destroy a demon doll.

"Who wants to hold the doll?" Namjoon asked, grabbing the doll carefully, as if he was afraid it would struggle or attack him. But it remained inert.

Everyone remained silent, everyone having their share of fear.

"I'll do it," Taehyung finally said, grabbing the doll roughly, ready to take revenge for what the doll had done to him.

Without further ado, he placed the doll's hand that had squeezed Jimin's throat that morning into the flame. He was relieved to see it burning without any magic protecting it and attacking him but suddenly a scream of pain rang out, causing him a shudder of fear which made him drop the burning doll.

At first indeed, he thought it was the doll that was screaming but very soon, like the others, he perceived the real origin of this cry and realized with horror that it was Seokjin who was screaming in pain.

"W-what?!" he stammered.

Next to Seokjin, Jungkook was in a panic, wondering why he was screaming in pain like that but seeing Seokjin wave his hand and squeeze it with his other hand even though his arms were immobilized, he discovered quickly the origin of his suffering: on his right hand, a burn mark was visibly and quickly widening.

"IT-IT'S BURNING! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!" Seokjin screamed, crying in pain.

"Oh my God!" Jungkook cried, grabbing a bottle of water and emptying it onto Seokjin's hand.

But that didn't change anything and because there was no reason for his hand to burn when he was so far from the burning doll and the candle, it didn't take much for Namjoon to understand:

"His hand burns like the doll's hand, quickly, we have to put it out!"

Without questioning his word, Yoongi pulled himself together, grabbed the doll and rushed into the next room, the kitchen, where he threw the doll into the sink before splashing water on it. He didn't turn off the water when he saw the fire was out, preferring to make sure the doll was soaked to prevent the fire from starting again. He even blocked the sink so that the doll would be submerged. Calm had returned to the next room and he was convinced that he had completed his mission and had prevented Seokjin from being burned further.

Seokjin and the worry eating doll ✔️Where stories live. Discover now