Chapter 18 : Alone against everyone

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Are you saying Jin hyung should leave the group?

No one held Seokjin when he suddenly left the dorm after hearing those terrible words. Jungkook, who was holding Jimin to comfort him, didn't know what choice to make or rather who to abandon. Jimin was hurting and everyone was hurting to see what happened to him. But Seokjin was suffering. 

He had just been rejected by his group and no one had come to his defense, not even Yoongi and Namjoon who stood in front of the door and heard everything.

"What did we just do..." Jungkook whispered, wanting to join Seokjin immediately and at the same time, being ashamed to do so because he felt like he had betrayed him.

"What we should have done before we got to the point of letting him make everyone suffer," Hoseok told him.

"I agree, he doubted himself from the beginning so we should never have kept him in the group," Taehyung said.

"I never thought I'd say this one day, but today, I'm ashamed that you're my hyungs," Jungkook said, giving them a disgusted look.

"Jungkook!" Hoseok exclaimed, scandalized, as Jimin and Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes. "You have no right to talk to us like that!"

"I won't take back what I said," Jungkook retorted, glaring at them, "but know that I'm disgusted with myself too. You said that we tried to hold him back? You're wrong, we left him alone, left to his own devices! We were never good enough for him!"

"How can you say that when you kept defending him despite everything?" Namjoon protested. "If anyone lived up to him, it was you."

"No, it was already too late," Jungkook regretted, "I was selfish for too long, only thinking about myself and showing him my disappointment when he failed instead of helping him and being there for him. We've all been like that, except maybe Jimin hyung. But today, even he pushed Jin hyung away. So he felt all alone."

Jimin lowered his head in shame and Jungkook continued:

"I made a mistake by not telling him what he did to you with the doll and what I did to him too, I just wanted to spare him from feeling more guilty. But you, you should never have treated him that way, it's disgusting, he doesn't even know why you're accusing him and he was just as hurt as you to see that Jimin hyung was suffering! Instead, maybe we should have asked him why he felt the need to compare himself to Jimin hyung and tell his doll about his vocal skills! This is what we should have done!"

He was devastated at the thought of how Seokjin must have felt but his anger towards his elders was even stronger.

"Jungkook, calm down," Yoongi said, both uncomfortable and unhappy with Jungkook's attitude.

"Yeah, and stop making Jimin feel guilty," Taehyung said, seeing the guilt flash across Jimin's face. "Jin hyung wasn't up to par, it's not our fault!"

"How can you say that, you of all people?!" Jungkook said, picking up Taehyung. "Have you forgotten how much Jin hyung was there for you when you doubted yourself? No one helped you gain confidence the way they helped you even though you had the feeling of not having your place in the group, after joining us last. However, he too had doubts but I never saw you help him overcome them. I just saw you criticize him for not being up to the task when you had enough confidence in your own abilities. You are just a hypocrite!"

Stunned, Taehyung realized that Jungkook wasn't wrong and was careful not to answer anything.

"What about you, Hoseok hyung, uh ? When you weren't reassured by your abilities as a rapper, feeling like you weren't enough just with your dancing skills, who helped you?"

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