Chapter 11 : Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me, who is the most handsome?

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Taehyung almost screamed when he felt a hand on his shoulder, thinking that the terrifying girl had finally passed through the mirror. But his terrified eyes landed on Seokjin's reflection and he stopped himself from screaming. 

He hadn't heard him open the door and arrive because of the headphones. He realized that the girl had disappeared again, replaced by Seokjin's reflection, and the eldest hadn't seen her again. 

His panicked look made Seokjin worry and the latter gently removed the headphones from his ears.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" he asked in a soft voice, not wanting to rush him.

"Y-Yes, I'm okay, why shouldn't I be okay?" Taehyung replied defensively.

Even more worried to see him close off and refuse to share his suffering, Seokjin insisted:

"Then what are you doing here alone? You're hiding, aren't you? But who are you hiding from and why?"

Realizing where he was, Taehyung shook his head sharply.

"I'm sorry hyung, I shouldn't have come to your room without asking you, I'm going back to mine now."

He wanted to get up but Seokjin put his hands on his shoulders to stop him.

"No, I'm not chasing you Taehyung, I really want to understand what's wrong and help you. First you broke your mirror this morning and hurt yourself this morning. Then there was what Sejin said to you and now you're hiding and you look scared and stressed. I don't like seeing you like this. Please talk to me Voo, tell me what's wrong," Seokjin begged. 

He had always been a listening ear to the problems his dongsaengs were having but lately he had felt like he had been so focused on his own problems that others had decided to stop wanting to confide in him. And that wasn't what he wanted. 

He had always tried to hide his own anxieties and soothe those of others. That was how he was. And seeing the younger members suffer made him suffer too because as the eldest, he felt responsible for their well-being. And they always had to come before himself even when things weren't going well for him.

"Please?" he insisted, seeing that Taehyung seemed reluctant to confide. 

"Y-you wouldn't understand..." Taehyung whispered, tears in his eyes.

"I'll do anything to understand and to help you, I promise," Seokjin assured as he sat down on the ground next to Taehyung.

Taehyung seemed to think for a while then finally nodded, still looking very nervous.

"This morning, in the bathroom, I was just getting ready, like every day, there was nothing abnormal. But then..." he shuddered to think of it, "... then, I heard something, a... a voice." 

He paused and looked Seokjin straight in the eyes to detect the mockery or the feeling of betrayal that he had seen there that morning when Seokjin had thought he was insulting him and making fun of him. But there was none of that in the look of the older man who listened attentively and invited him to continue his story. Reassured, Taehyung continued:

"That voice told me to look in the mirror and I did it without thinking, without really wondering why someone was telling me to do that, it could have been Hobi hyung or Jimin playing a prank on me and they were the ones I expected to see in the mirror. But they weren't there. It was only me. And looking at myself, I felt like I was... different." 

"Different? What do you mean?" Seokjin asked.

Taehyung thought of a way to describe how he felt that morning while looking at his reflection.

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