Chapter 24: The doll's revenge

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Suddenly, the sound of lound running footsteps in the hallway was heard and made them jump and then scream in fear when the door flew open into nothing and Jungkook was ripped away from Seokjin and brutally thrown against the wall.

"JUNGKOOK!" the others yelled.

But immediately after and before being able to to come to their senses and to take care of Jungkook, it was Taehyung's turn to scream when something invisible fiercely bit his hand and then Namjoon, when fingers scratched his cheek deeply until it bled. Their screams of pain mixed with the screams of fear of the others.

Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Seokjin cast fearful glances in all directions, searching for the origin of the threat, invisible at the moment, and fearing to be the next targets of this vengeful soul. 

The doll, still on the desk, had not moved but seemed to be staring at them with a wicked look accentuated by its frightening smile.

On the ground, Jungkook didn't dare move, and for a moment, silence reigned, disturbed only by their frantic breathing. The pounding hearts of the seven boys could have created a symphony of dread if they had been audible. 

"You think... you think she's gone?" Hoseok whispered anxiously after a few seconds, a drop of cold sweat running down his face.

But before anyone could respond, Jungkook, still on his stomach on the ground, felt a force pull him by his legs and and drag him across the floor to get him out of the room. 


The maknae screamed in terror, flailing his arms furiously to grab onto anything that could prevent him from being dragged away from his hyungs, even gripping the floor with his nails without thinking of the pain because the fear was greater.

"HEEEEELP!!!" Jungkook screamed while his hyungs were frozen in horror at the speed with which things had just happened.

"DO SOME THINGS!" Seokjin shouted at the others who didn't react quickly enough to his liking. 

As for him, he jumped out of his bed and was struggling in his arm sling to free his arms and come to the aid of Jungkook who, still screaming, was now clinging to the door frame so as not to be dragged out of the room where he would be completely alone and at the mercy of the monster.

Listening to Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin, the only ones who had so far been spared by the monster, rushed to help Jungkook and pulled with all their might on his arms until he cried out in pain. Or maybe it was because of what was pulling on the legs? 

"DON'T LET GO OF ME!!" Jungkook begged despite the pain which made him feel like his legs were going to be torn off on one side, and his arms on the other.

In extreme effort, they ultimately succeeded in making the monster that was holding him let go and, caught in their momentum, all four fell back into the room, exhausted. Their eyes were glued to the door, as they were afraid of seeing something appear. But nothing came.

 Seokjin hurried to join them on land, ignoring the pain in his shoulders as his arms flailed.

"JK, are you okay?!" he shouted in fear.

Grunting in pain and trembling after the fear he had felt at being dragged like this, Jungkook couldn't replied immediately. He seemed in shock after being thrown against a wall and dragged by an invisible monster, and seeing him mute and trembling, and if it was possible to die of fear, Jungkook probably would have died that morning. Seokjin was afraid that Yoongichi had done the same thing to him. 

Putting a hand on his shoulder to catch his eye, seeing that he was still staring at the door in fear, Seokjin repeated urgently :


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