Chapter 12: Whispers under the bed

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For several weeks, everything seemed peaceful again in the dormitory. 

Yoongi no longer had dreams where he was being pushed and slept very well, returning to his usual mood to the great relief of everyone. 

Taehyung followed his diet and weight loss program with determination while learning to no longer leave the door open to negative thoughts and he had not seen the scary girl again in the mirror.

As for Hoseok, he no longer felt guilty about what had happened to his leg and was able to gradually start dancing again with the same passion that had always driven him.

Seokjin, whose heart was lightened, had almost forgotten the existence of his doll which ended up falling under the bed without him noticing.

However, the work continued to come, it was necessary to record the songs, then the MVs, to promote the album, to meet the fans, to prepare the concerts to come, to worked out to prepare their body to support the intensity of this more than military program...

Seokjin hung on with great difficulty as the weeks passed, not daring to talk about his growing difficulties, trying to keep the same pace as the others. He was starting to lose again his ability to fall asleep again due to stress and it exhausted him.

He wondered how the youngest managed to keep up with such a rhythm, especially Jungkook, their lead singer and most popular member of the group, who was asked so much and who always had to be everywhere doing everythin. His ability to adapt and succeed in everything fascinated Seokjin who envied such a prodigy. Jungkook was their precious maknae, the "Golden maknae", as Namjoon had nicknamed him because of his ability to always succeed in everything.

Yet even he was starting to get exhausted, Seokjin could see it. And despite his exhaustion, he continued to perform prowess in all areas, even continuing to work his body more than the others. Seokjin admired him while worrying about him because he was afraid that his health would deteriorate from not thinking about himself and giving everything for his work and his fans.

One night, when he went to bed, Seokjin found Jungkook collapsed on his bed. Yoongi was at the recording studio again, taking advantage of being in great shape to catch up on the songs he wanted to produce, so no one had kicked Jungkook out yet. And Seokjin would never have done it because he wouldn't have refused Jungkook anything and was too used to his presence to feel bothered when he was there.

"What are you doing here, JK?" he asked, pushing him to one side to lay down next to him and pulled the blanket up so Jungkook wouldn't have it all to himself.

"I want to sleep here, Namjoon hyung snores too much," the maknae grumbled, opening his eyes tiredly.

Everyone was tired and fatigue obviously amplified the snorers' snoring. Seokjin chuckled, asking.

"You know you snore really loud too?"

"Maybe, but you won't chase me away," Jungkook affirmed.

"You seem very sure of yourself," Seokjin pointed out.

"I am. But I think Yoongi Hyung will chase me away if he finds me here," the younger admitted. "Please, when he comes back, stop him from chasing me away, okay?"

"If you fall asleep before he comes back he won't have the heart to wake you up," Seokjin revealed to him. "He knows better than anyone how important sleep is and he won't want to interrupt your sleep when he knows how hard you work and how tired you are."

"I guess I'd better fall asleep quickly then," Jungkook said, instantly closing his eyes.

Seokjin smiled and turned off his bedside lamp to allow them to sleep and closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to take him away and hoping it doesn't take too long. But after several minutes, he opened them again when he heard irregular sniffles that couldn't be snoring.

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