Chapter 14 : The worry eating doll

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"Jungkook, what are you doing with a doll?" Jimin asked, puzzled.

"It's not mine, it's Jin hyung's," Jungkook replied, showing off the doll to everyone.

"No, it's not," Yoongi interjected, "I remember the arrival of this horror in this house like it was yesterday: it was smaller, without a mouth and its eyes were closed."

"It was under Jin hyung's bed last night and I don't think he has any other dolls like this," Jungkook defended. "This doll is Yoongichi."

"Can we not call it that?" Yoongi grumbled. "I don't want to go back to having nightmares."

"Yes, it's true that it's because of that doll that you had insomnia," Jungkook remembered, "and it's also because of it that Jin hyung is in the hospital now."

Everyone looks at him like he's lost his mind.

"Wait, wait, wait! What?" Namjoon said quickly, perplexed. "Jungkook, what are you talking about?!"

"Exactly what I said: the doll is responsible! And me too..."

No one dared to ask Jungkook if it was a joke when they saw him start to cry again, obviously too upset. Jimin gently pulled him to the table and sat him down between him and Hoseok, giving him a tissue to wipe away his tears. When he was able to speak again, Jungkook said:

"J-jin hyung told me about his doll and what it had done for him, how much it had helped him overcome his difficulties. He said that every time he confided his concerns to it, it resolved them, a bit like a genie who would grant our wishes. I didn't believe him, I thought it was a joke and then seeing him so serious, I thought he was wrong and he just wanted it to be true to reassure himself and have something to fall back on when things were hard for him."

"Yes, that's what I already thought when Jin hyung told us about it," Namjoon remembered.

"But we were wrong," Jungkook told him with a serious look. "Last night something woke me up and I found the doll under the bed so I wanted to try, just to prove to Jin hyung that he was wrong and so that he could stop believing that he was unable to succeed without magic."

"And? Did it work?" Hoseok asked, intrigued. "Did the doll take away your problems?"

"Th-that's not what it did," Jungkook stuttered, letting again big tears escape his eyes.

The members looked at each other, perplexed.

"Then... what happened?" Hoseok asked slowly. 

"Jungkook, what did you say to the doll?" Taehyung asked in a serious tone which indicated that he believed Jungkook. After talking himself to a terrifying girl in the mirror, he couldn't be surprised by what the youngest had told them. 

"I-I said that I felt self-conscious compared to Jin hyung who already had a well-built body with broad shoulders without the need to work out. After all, he can afford to relax while training because he is genetically favored. I just wanted to no longer have to work so hard to feel good in my body and to have the body I wanted too. I wasn't expecting it to work, it was just an absurd dream, after all it's impossible to wake up with a perfect body just because you whispered in a doll's ear. Well, in the ear of an earless doll. So today, I just worked out as usual at the gym, I wasn't going to wait for my body to magically change."

The members observed Jungkook carefully and saw that indeed nothing had changed in him.

"But Jungkook, why are you in this state? I don't understand, because you say that what happened to Jin hyung is the doll's fault but you also say that it didn't work."

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