Chapter 25 : ARMY, AMI

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Despite their condition, the BTS members decided to grant Seokjin's request and it was all together that, prepared for the occasion, they entered the room where their fans were waiting for them, who had come in large numbers to be able to see them.

Walking to the places reserved for them on the platform, Seokjin was discreetly supported by Jungkook who himself slightly limped and being attentive, they just gave the impression that they were as usual, the mathyung-maknae duo, arm in arm. As they had a big smile, the fans did not see their state of fatigue and anxiety that they kept deep inside themselves.

Seokjin could wave slowly to them and with very small movements, because he had decided to remove his braces and his arm sling against the advice of the manager. He couldn't tell him that he was dying and that he soon wouldn't need it anymore, so he told him part of the truth: he didn't want his fans to see him in such bad shape when he came to lift their spirit.

Indeed, he let his face shine for his fans. All the other members tried to hide their worry, as Seokjin had asked them, so as not to ruin this last moment with his fans.

Even though fans quickly saw the bandage on Namjoon's cheek, Seokjin and Taehyung's hand and discovered that Jimin no longer had a voice, the members were able to reassure them, telling them that life's little accidents happen when we worked hard and that wouldn't stop them from continuing to do their best for them.

"Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, BTS!!!!" the fans chanted with excitement, deeply happy to see their idols.

There were many unfamiliar faces among the fans, showing that the number of fans was growing, their ages, nationalities and ethnicities were becoming more diverse as BTS was becoming more and more popular. Seokjin was so proud of his group, so proud to have been part of it, and also proud of what he was going to leave behind. His other members would do just fine without him, he had no doubt.

They sat down in their respective places, Seokjin between Jungkook and Hoseok, and the fans quickly began to file in front of the BTS members, talking to them animatedly, with admiration and love, giving them gifts, thanking them for everything they meant to them... Seokjin was so happy about it! If this was going to be his last day on Earth, then he was glad that this was how it happened.

He had never been so spoiled by the fans, many told him that they had noticed how admirably he had shown himself in the last MV and in the latest photos and various videos that had been published by the agency. His dancing, his voice, his beauty, his confidence and his generosity towards his fans had deeply touched them and they were impatiently awaiting everything he still had to show them about himself. 

Behind his smile, Seokjin couldn't tell them that they wouldn't see more of him. But if that was how he would be remembered, that was fine with him. They wouldn't remember the mediocre Seokjin who doubted himself and didn't have the same abilities as the others. They would remember the Seokjin who tried his best.

Despite his enthusiasm and gratitude to the fans, Seokjin soon could no longer hide his state of great fatigue and seemed on the verge of fainting. Jungkook, who was watching him out of the corner of his eye at the same time as he spoke to the fans and listened to them and who had not escaped everything that the fans had said to Seokjin, hastened to whisper to him with concern:

"Jin hyung, do you want to take a break?"

Seokjin nodded gratefully because he wanted to go and lie down for a few minutes out of sight but before he could get up, a familiar and enthusiastic voice greeted him:

"Hello, Jin oppa!"

This made Seokjin's face hastily turn towards the person who had just greeted him. He immediately recognized the radiant face of a teenage girl looking at him even if she had grown up a little since the last fan meeting.

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