Chapter 26 : I will always remember...

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The goodbyes with the fans were joyful and Seokjin was happy with this last memory with his fans. On the way back that evening, Seokjin kept a smile on his face and that made the other members a little less sad.

Quickly, Seokjin stopped thinking about his fans to think about his dongsaengs. He realized that this might be the last time he returned home with them. He had the idea of ​​making them a meal for the last time to please them, because it was always him who had taken care of making them food and they would no doubt miss it. He hoped he would have the strength for that.

"You will all go for a medical check-up tomorrow," their manager announced to them when they arrived in front of the dormitory. " And you better tell me everything that happened without hiding anything this time. It's insane everything that happened to you in such a short time. You could almost believe that you are cursed!"

The manager saw that they were all looking at each other nervously and everyone seemed to crowd around their eldest. Out of everyone, Seokjin seemed to be the worst, and his shoulder injury seemed to have nothing to do with it.

"Did you boys hear me?" Sejin insisted, seeing that no one answered him.

"Yes hyung, we heard you," Namjoon said in a low voice. "We'll tell you everything tomorrow."

The others just nodded silently, knowing that tomorrow might be the saddest day of their lives.

"But if things really aren't going well for you, we can do that tonight, right away," the manager said, worried to see them lifeless like this, because it wasn't like them.

The group was always energetic, especially when they came back from their fan meeting and talked about their fans and the gifts they had received. This time there was none of that. Just silence. A deafening silence.

"No!" Seokjin said quickly, "please let's do this tomorrow, for now we mostly need to sleep."

He wanted to spend the evening at home with his little brothers, not in a medical center.

"Are you sure?" Sejin insisted.

"Yes," Seokjin replied before thinking of something else without understanding the incongruity of his request: "but please, can you send a clean-up crew tomorrow? There's quite a mess in the dorm. You can deduct from my salary to pay them."

"Eh?" the manager said, perplexed, because the boys had never made such a request, taking care of managing the cleanliness of their dormitory themselves.

The others looked at Seokjin with wide eyes: how could he think of something as trivial as cleaning?

"Hyung, it's useless," Yoongi refused, "we'll do it alone."

"No, I don't want you to have to do it tomorrow, that would be too unfair."

In his mind, it would be too unfair if tomorrow, his members had to both mourn him and clean up everything the monster had done, a monster he himself had awakened and fed with his worries and his life. He didn't want to do that to them. He would clean the bloody writing on the hallway wall himself if he could, but for the rest, a cleaning company could keep the dormitory tidy. 

Still perplexed, but feeling that they all needed to rest, the manager sighed:

"Okay, I'll take care of it, go home and rest now. I'll send you tomorrow's schedule as soon as possible."

"Thanks hyung," Seokjin replied, the others remaining perfectly silent.

He initiated the movement and returned to the dorm, the others following him in silence like a funeral procession. Upon entering, they found the dormitory just as they had left it before leaving it to go to the company to prepare for the fan meeting, ransacked by the doll's spirit. The emptied furniture that littered the floor had been overturned, it looked like the dormitory had been broken into.

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