Chapter 22 : Deadly kiss

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The sensation of a dizzying fall suddenly woke Seokjin. Panting in his bed, he wanted to run a hand over his sweat-covered forehead but his still captive arms prevented him. He was relieved to realize that Jungkook was here, sleeping next to him. That meant he had returned to the real world.

He had managed to come out of his dream of his own free will, despite Yoongichi's temptations. He had refused to use her magic forever. Every time she will appear to him in his dreams, he would just have to jump into the sea of ​​clouds to wake up and get away from her, it was that simple.

"Oh, it's not that simple Seokjin," the voice of his nightmare whispered to him, coming from under his blanket.

Looking down, Seokjin froze in horror as he saw, despite the darkness of the room, a raven-haired head appear under his duvet, followed by long arms that moved at breakneck speed. He felt only one feeling that seeped into his bones and made his blood run cold : terror. Before he could scream, the girl of his nightmare who was real now was straddling him and taking his breath away.

Even though she was a girl, her strength was unnaturally overwhelming, it was... monstruous. And Seokjin feared trying to push her away. Jungkook was next to him and it was probably better that he wake him up immediately because together and with his strength, they would have a chance of getting rid of her. But the girl seemed to guess him or rather read his thoughts because she leaned over to whisper in his ear:

"If you wake him up, I'll take him too. I can do that, as he already used me once."

Her voice was as cold as winter's breath. And Seokjin felt like he was petrified by this simple whisper. He understood that what this monster planned to do to him was horrible because nothing good could come of it anymore: there was nothing left of the beautiful and sweet girl of his dreams. Only a darkness beyond measure who completely dominated him. He only saw this shadow, leaning over him, which gave him the impression that it was going to devour him.

"Wh-What d-do you want from m-me," he managed to whispered, terrified for his eyes could not let go of the big and frightening eyes that stared at him.

"I came to get you... You thought you could escape me when you woke up," Yoongichi said in his whispering cold voice. "But you can't anymore, I'm strong enough to follow you outside of your head. We're linked until the end... of your days."

"Y-you're going to k-kill me?" Seokjin stuttered, his heart pounding in his chest and threatening to stop at any moment.

The girl responded with an evil look that shone in the darkness despite the absence of light and Seokjin cried silently as if his last day had arrived because the girl's silence was an explicit answer. In no time, his cheeks were bathed in tears. The monster above him whispered to him:

"You gave me your trust and love and made me strong. Now I'm going to take more, a lot more..."

Before Seokjin could understand the meaning of those words, the girl had already leaned her cold face down and captured his lips between hers. There, she began to kiss him wildly, as if trying to suck out his insides.

Wide-eyed, unable to push her away from his arms as her hold on him seemed to increase, his scream of fear being sucked out of this girl's mouth and then. Seokjin went through two very different phases when he had no more breath to scream.

At first, this stolen kiss and the sensation of the body covering him gave him a very pleasant feeling of warmth which made him want to give more of himself to the girl which made him abandon all desire to fight.

But very quickly, the heat and the feeling of well-being disappeared in favor of an unbearable cold which made him shudder violently. At the same time he felt his strength leaving him and tried to turn his face in all directions to detach himself from the face which seemed to have merged with his.

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