Chapter 8 : Third whisper

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Yoongi looked at Hoseok as if he had suddenly gone mad.

"What are you talking about? You must have been banging your head on the the stairs when you fell, and imagining things."

"B-but you said you too had experienced some weird things with Jin hyung, didn't you? You even said he stole your sleep, as if that was possible!" Hoseok defended himself by sending back to Yoongi these crazy words spoken earlier to give legitimacy to his.

"Yeah, well, I never said he tried to kill me by pushing me down the stairs!"

"That's not what I said either!" Hoseok said, outraged.

"But you implied it! Because if he had knowingly pushed you down the stairs, he could have wring your neck and not just broken your leg. Besides, he wouldn't have been so scared this morning when he saw you."

"Maybe he had regrets or maybe he was just acting ; hyung is a born actor, he could have faked it very well, you also said that he made a scene to scare you this morning!" Hoseok replied, not realizing the seriousness of what he was saying, immersed in his dismay as he was after what had happened to him.

Yoongi wondered if it was possible that Seokjin had acted out that morning. However, he didn't think he was capable of such a thing like hurting Hoseok. Thinking back about something, he shook his head:


"Why ? Maybe he really wanted to break my leg, I-I..." Hoseok hesitated, "I admit that I wasn't kind to him yesterday when we were working on the choreography and Kang-nim hadn't been kind in his words before that either. Maybe Jin hyung was hurt by our words and wanted revenge by scaring me so I wouldn't go back to being hard on him and telling him he was holding us back. Look, now I'm the one holding everyone back in the eyes of y'all so I can't blame him anymore!"

"Impossible, I said," said Yoongi who couldn't believe that Hoseok could say that so insistently, "Seokjin was in the room with me when we heard you fall."

"He could have rushed back and pretended..." Hoseok began.

"Impossible again," Yoongi replied. "As I told you, he was sound asleep and I was the one who was awake. I would have heard him come out. So unless he develops demonic powers allowing him to attack someone from a distance, it can't be him."

Hoseok was about to reply but Yoongi stopped him:

"You must have dreamed Hoseok, just as you must have dreamed that you were called because Hyung didn't call you and he wasn't in the hallway, I'm a witness!"

"I'm sure though-"

"You weren't so sure earlier," Yoongi reminded him, "it was my crazy story that made you feel like yours was true. And we both started accusing him of impossible things. He didn't steal my sleep nor did he knowingly scare me and he didn't call you to push you down the stairs."

Suddenly, the two boys were ashamed. Why was Yoongi getting mad like that at Seokjin just because he slept well and he didn't? And how could Hoseok accuse Seokjin of pushing him down the stairs just because he was frustrated that he couldn't dance when he could and did it perfectly? Shouldn't they have just been happy for him that things are finally getting better for him after being so difficult?

"I-I don't know what got into me, you must be right my fall this morning made my brain spin," Hoseok said nervously, "please hyung, forget what I said, I didn't mean it."

"Then forget what I said too," Yoongi said, equally uneasy.

Seokjin was able to sleep and was less tired probably because he was less anxious and he was happy to start catching up with his dancing thanks to his hard work, they just had to encourage him to continue on this path instead of be jealous of him and blame him for their misfortunes. Yes, that was how they was supposed to behave and that's how they ended their conversation.

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