Chapter 4 : Angry Yoongi

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When he woke up the next day, Seokjin realized that his alarm had not yet sounded. More strangely, he noticed that he was not tired as usual, as if he had finally managed to sleep for an entire night. Finally, he did not remember having any particular difficulty falling asleep the night before. He felt surprisingly fit. It was such a delightful feeling that he smiled at his ceiling.

Without paying attention to Yoongi still lying in the dark, on the other side of the shelf, he got up to go prepare the breakfast of his dongsaengs. As he was the oldest of the group, their hyung to all, it was he who took care of them and always prepared the meals. Except for breakfast, he always received help from Jungkook, the youngest member of the band aged seventeen. 

 But in the morning, it was so difficult to get him out of bed that Seokjin would never have asked this still growing teenager to help him with the preparation, knowing that he himself was already experiencing all the difficulties of the world to wake up.

On that day, however, he would not do so in haste. He prepared a small feast with the few things left in the dormitory fridge and when, one by one, Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin entered the small dining room where Seokjin had already set the table, they were very surprised.

"Hyung, you've already finished preparing breakfast," Namjoon, the group leader, said. "You got up early, it's unusual!"

"I slept very well," Seokjin said, the radiant mine, "settle in, we can take our time to eat today."  

"Thank you for the meal!" Jimin said to him as he settled in.

"Thank you, Jin hyung!" Taehyung added.

"Personally," Hoseok said in a voice still hoarse from sleep, "what surprises me the most is that Yoongi hyung is still not out of bed. For Jungkook, it's normal, but for hyung, it's unusual, he's usually the first to get up."

"That old man? It's no surprise to me," Taehyung giggled.

"That old man is younger than me," Seokjin informed him.

"I never said you weren't old," Taehyung replied.

"Tae, you're so mean to Jin hyung!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Don't worry Jimin, it would be wrong for me to get offended if Taehyung said it, after all, you know Taehyung is the weirdest of us," Seokjin told him. 

"Hey, don't say that, I was just joking!" Taehyung exclaimed. 

Jimin and Seokjin burst out laughing while Hoseok and Namjoon, not being able to understand such energy so early in the morning, remained silentstarting to help himself to food.

"I know, me too," Seokjin reassured Taehyung who seemed to calm down. 

He looked at the clock on the wall.

"I will wake Jungkook and Yoongi up," Seokjin decided. 

"Good luck, hyung," Taehyung said.

It was always Seokjin who woke up the maknae and it was a role that no one envied. He always had it for long minutes because their youngest bandmate had heavy sleep. In the past, he also woke up his roomate Yoongi, but he had not done so for a long time because he woke up later than the rapper now.

The two awakenings promise to be two terrible trials for Seokjin . On the one hand, the maknae who never wanted to wake up, on the other, the grumpy rapper who hated to disturb his rest. He started with the youngest, thinking the task would be less dangerous.

Jungkook was sleeping in an unlikely and weird position when Seokjin entered his room. He wondered how anyone could sleep in this position and again envied people who could easily fall asleep no matter the context. He called him and shook him for several minutes until finally Jungkook growled to signify that he was awake, not without involuntarily kicking Seokjin when he had recovered to a normal position.

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