Chapter 10 : Taehyung's distress

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After the incident in the bathroom, Seokjin had finished treating Taehyung's hand and Taehyung had dried his tears and seemed to come to his senses again. He had made Seokjin promise not to tell the others about what had happened, not wanting them to make fun of him.

Then, he refused to talk about it again with him, resuming his daily activities and acted as if nothing had happened, even though he seemed tense every time he saw his reflection in a mirror or a reflective surface like a picture frame.

"You are all going to go back to shooting, the photos have to be redone," their manager said.

"But yesterday you all said they were perfect!" protested Namjoon who didn't want to go back to shooting when he had to go to the recording studio with Yoongi.

"Yes but that was before everyone pointed out a detail who spoils them," Sejin replied, annoyed. "I don't understand why I didn't notice it before because it couldn't have happened overnight."

"Can you see my cast on the pictures? Does the problem come from there?" Hoseok worried.

"No, no, you're not the problem, Hoseok," the manager impatiently pulled out some satchel photos.

You're not the problem. It meant that one of them was the problem and Seokjin swallowed hard, easily managing to imagine that someone was him. He was probably still not natural enough in his poses and facial expressions, it had already happened to him during the last photo shoot for an artistic collection from a major brand. The brand in question had agreed to maintain its contract with the Entertainment agency only if the photos were redone and of perfect quality, but on condition that Seokjin is no longer in the center of the photos and if possible, disappears from certain photos.

Since the company was still in debt and BTS was their only formed group, they couldn't afford to lose such a large contract, but since Seokjin was a member of the group, they couldn't totally withdraw him even if the customer requested it. He therefore no longer had an individual photo and in the group photos, he had been kept so as not to incur the wrath of his fans, but he was barely visible. Often his face was right in the binding of the photo book, so it was hard to see him without being able to tell he had been cast aside. This was the alternative that had been decided but which had been very painful for Seokjin.

Redoing the entire advertising campaign while it was taking place abroad had quite annoyed the group and the company, which had to postpone other important projects and no one was about to forget it. Seokjin first.

Discreetly raising his head towards the others, he anticipated their anger towards him.

"I'm sorry," he half-worded, barely moving his lips but everyone heard him and some sighed in exasperation realizing he must be responsible if he was apologizing.

"Why are you apologizing, who said it was you? You really have a victim complex Seokjin, it's annoying sometimes," Sejin replied to everyone's surprise, "everyone, look at the pictures and judge for yourself."

The members approached the photos taken the day before that had been printed in large format for the agency and the artists. In the photos, indeed, Seokjin who was barely visible in the background could not be blamed. The problem came from the foreground where one person confidently grabbed the center of the photo and any viewer was forced to look first.

"Taehyung!" the angry manager called.

"Yes?" Taehyung asked, alerted by the man's tone and wondering how he could be responsible for messing up the photos when he was told his poses were perfect the day before. He wasn't used to being scolded and it made him nervous. "Have you gained weight this month?"

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