Chapter 7 : Jealousy and suspicion

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"Hobi hyung, what did they say about your leg?" Jungkook asked Hoseok as he ran up to him after seeing him enter the dance hall.

Hoseok had joined them after his visit to the emergency room, despite the recommendations of the doctor and his manager who recommended that he go home to rest and not move. Even though, with his leg in a cast and his crutches, he couldn't dance for a while, he wanted to be with the others to supervise their choreography.

"I have a displaced fracture, I will have to keep the cast on for at least a month while my bones get back in place. I'm so sorry, I'm going to delay you all," Hoseok said spitefully seeing Jungkook wince in pain at his words and misinterpreting his mimicry.

"Don't say that Hobi," Seokjin said, feeling sad for him and wanting to reassure him. "I'm the weight of the group, remember? I had already put you all behind by not being able to master the choreography, your injury has not changed that."

He chuckled and Hoseok gave him a grateful smile and said:

"Hyung, at least now I can spend more time helping you, that's a good thing."

Seokjin smiled back and nodded.

"But I hope now that you're injured, you'll be a more patient teacher," he joked nervously.

"Given the time required for my leg to heal, I'll have to learn to be patient," Hoseok said, tapping his cast gently.

"With Seokjin hyung, there is a need for it," Taehyung added lightly, chuckling while stretching his body for the upcoming new dance assignment.

Even though it wasn't a mean remark from Taehyung, it was one sentence among too many for Seokjin. It was one of the innocent little spades that, added to all the others, made him feel like a failure. But he didn't reply and went to position himself with the others.

"I'll do my best to make you proud Hobi," he said firmly.

"Okay, then start by showing us what you mastered yesterday after I left," Hoseok offered, and the others finally moved away from Seokjin to face and stare at him.

Seokjin swallowed hard. What had he mastered? He had collapsed in tears because he had precisely nothing mastered and now Hoseok was asking him to dance under the gaze of everyone, the dancers, the teachers and the other members? He was going to make a fool of himself. He was used to it but it was still so difficult to face the disappointed look of others.

"Okay," he said nonetheless.

The music started playing and Seokjin started his dance. First with rigidity, convinced that he was going to miss everything, then, seeing that he was not missing, with more fluidity.

Under the bewildered gaze of the others, he whirled around without stopping or thinking, surprisingly confident of what he was doing. He felt like his body knew what to do on its own and it was an absolutely exhilarating feeling: a feeling of absolute freedom. Suddenly, after spending his life hating dancing, he was enjoying it! How could he have hated ? Anyway, he no longer understood, because this feeling had disappeared.

He performed the entire choreography to perfection. Like in a dream, he didn't see the time pass and when, finally, the music stopped and his body stopped moving to let him breathe, Seokjin had a feeling of disappointment: he would have liked to dance for eternity.

When he stopped he realized embarrassed, after having forgotten everything and everyone around him during his dance, that everyone was staring at him, an expression of wonder on their faces. He felt himself blush to his ears and realized what he had just accomplished.

"I... uh... I really don't know how I did it," he tried to justify himself, "Hobi's advice yesterday must have paid off and, uh, my intensive training-"

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