Chapter 5: Second whisper

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All day, Yoongi refused to talk to Seokjin. He was pissed off. First because he was tired, he wasn't used to sleepless nights, and second because he believed the elder had lied just to scare him using his fear of doll and make others laugh at him.

Seokjin had insistently assured everyone that he was not lying but it was obvious to them that this could not be the reality and that their mathyung was joking, as he used to. Yet, it made them laugh to see Yoongi so scared by a little doll. 

The eldest understood that Yoongi was really traumatized by Chucky and couldn't stand the dolls but he didn't want the other to think he lied because they were both supposed to trust each other.

"I swear, I didn't lie," Seokjin sighed for the umpteenth time that day as he met Yoongi's furious gaze when they were all gathered in the dance studio. "But since we can't agree, can we forget what happened?"

"No," Yoongi grumbled.

"Yoongi hyung, just because you haven't slept well and are jealous doesn't mean you should take your nerves on Seokjin hyung," Hoseok interjected.

Seokjin cast a grateful look at Hoesok. But reminding Yoongi that he hadn't slept while Seokjin had slept like a baby was definitely not going to help Yoongi calm down. The eldest of the rappers shrugged and walked away to continue the choreography on his side.

"It's a waste of time," Hoseok sighed. 

"It'll be better tonight when he's finally in bed and can sleep," Seokjin said, knowing his roommate better than anyone.

"Seokjin!" Mr. Kang , the dance teacher shouted irritably.

Seokjin froze, realizing that he had missed a move again.

"I'm sorry seonsaeng-nim, I wasn't focused enough," he apologized with shame. He knew in reality that he was perfectly focused but what other excuse could he give if the only reason for his slow learning of choreography was that he was less talented than the others?

"You're always sorry but you're not doing better, so what's the point? All you're doing is slowing down the group. Start over. All of you, hurry up!"

Grunts of frustration were heard from the other weary members who were in a hurry to get back to the dorm. Red with shame Seokjin looked down and felt the stress invade him again as he feared being the one again would put the rest of the group behind on their schedule.

He suddenly understood that a good night's sleep did not solve every problems because he found his problems exactly where he had left them the day before. Raising his head, he met the disappointed gaze of his dongsaengs who got back into position.

Seokjin knew that his dancing abilities weren't the same as everyone else's. He trained hard, very hard and always longer but he always seemed to be lagging behind and the teacher never missed an opportunity to remind him and add nastily that if he really did his best he would see immediate results. Worse still, if he was already at his peak, then he didn't belong here with the others. 

Seokjin always hoped that a voice would arise from his members and defend him against his words to restore his confidence. But his members were so tired and eager to finish that they seemed equally irritated and never contradicted the teacher, believing that he really should try harder instead of joking about his old age when a remark on his disappointing performance was made.

When the workout ended, Seokjin exhausted like the others, nevertheless decided as usual to stay to train more. He was behind, he had to train more than them. Yet, this time, he saw with surprise Hoseok stay with him even though he looked tired didn't seem like he wanted to stay any longer, which made Seokjin feel even guiltier.

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