Chapter 16 : Give me back my doll!

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Jimin emerged from sleep in the middle of the night into total darkness and immediately felt panic overwhelm him when he noticed that his body lying on the bed refused to move. Worse, he felt a weight on him when someone crushed him. But he knew what it was, having experienced it a few times, that it was just simple sleep paralysis. He had to calm down.

However, that was harder said than done when he felt like he was trapped in his own body and unable to move. His frantic breathing and panicked consciousness were the only signs that he was still a very living body.

On his chest, the pressure increased and he soon could no longer ignore the feeling of a hostile presence just above him and he tried to moan softly to attract the attention of Taehyung or Hoseok who were sleeping not far from him.

He couldn't do it and felt like he was going to suffocate because his breathing was so frantic. An intense fear seized him when his eyes, accustomed to the darkness of the room, saw a figure leaning over him and suddenly, a curtain of hair caressed his cheek.

All of a sudden and with absolute terror, he felt a breath a few inches from his mouth. An icy breath that he would never have taken for breath if, so close to his eyes, two eyeballs wasn't staring at him at the same moment, shining with an evil glow without there being any light to reflect there.

The moans of distress he was trying to make finally passed his throat and he wanted to scream as soon as he realized he had regained use of his vocal cords. But just as he wanted to scream, two hands cold as those of a dead body wrapped around his throat and began to squeeze him.

Jimin's cries turned into muffled gasps and tears began to roll down his cheeks. He felt his breath short as his throat was savagely crushed. He saw himself dying without being able to move the slightest muscle to defend himself...

Suddenly the light came on and Jimin heard someone asking in a sleepy voice and shake him by a shoulder:

"Hey, Jimin, are you okay?"

Taehyung. Jimin blinked and noticed that no one was on top of him and no one was crushing his throat. Reassured to understand that it was just a nightmare, he wanted to reassure Taehyung and Hoseok who had also woken up, and tell them that he was fine.


Stunned, Jimin tried to speak again.


Then his distress returned when he realized that he could no longer speak. He began to cry, realizing that what had just happened was real, that someone had really come into the room to try to strangle him.

Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other, worried. Hoseok sat next to Jimin and hugged him reassuringly.

"It's going to be okay, you must have had a nightmare. Breathe slowly, you will eventually wake up from your nightmare. Do you want me to get you a glass of water?"

Taehyung suddenly let out a cry of exclamation, pointing at Jimin's throat:

" What is that ?!"

Jimin immediately placed a hand on his throat and, stunned, Hoseok saw purplish marks that looked like strangulation marks. He removed Jimin's hand to get a better look.

"Was he strangled?!" Taehyung exclaimed.

Panicked and unable to scream, Jimin started panting in anguish despite the presence of Hoseok holding him tightly. Hoseok himself was particularly afraid.

"D-does that mean someone came into the room while we were sleeping?"

"A robber ? A hater? A sasaeng?" Taehyung asked sharply, looking around the room, including under their three beds.

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