Chapter 27 : Hyung loves you

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From the entrance to the living room, the others were observing the heartbreaking scene. No one was as close to Seokjin as Jungkook.

They had ended up coming down as quickly as they had gone up, because they had a quick discussion between them and they wanted to talk to Seokjin about it.

"Hyung," Hoseok called Seokjin softly, "remember what Min-Hi said earlier. You can save yourself if you manage to place all your trust in us so that nothing, absolutely nothing is left for the doll. We still have hope!"

"I'm glad your are my hope until the end, Hoba," Seokjin told him, "but I don't see how, even if I no longer trust the doll and cling to you, I can get through this. It's too late now, I should have trusted you before, I'm sorry I didn't. Yoongichi will come back for me soon, Look, the doll is already here, next to me," he declared, showing them what was sticking out from under a cushion next to him. "I think she was waiting for me."

Horrified, the others realized that he was right: it was indeed the doll that was there. 

"When Yoongichi arrives, I won't have the strength to defend myself. Just let her do it and then she'll leave you alone," Seokjin told them, the death in the soul. 

"Hyung, it's not over yet,"  Namjoon said. 

"Yes, it is," Seokjin replied, "you know you can't do anything against-"

"We can't, yeah, but you can," Namjoon cut him.

"Me?" Seokjin repeated. 

The other nodded.

"No, you're wrong," Seokjin retorted. "I tried and it didn't work."

"No, hyung, think about what happened yesterday: you didn't try, we tried for you," Namjoon explained to him, which left Seokjin thoughtful.

"Jin hyung, you trust us, don't you?" Hoseok asked.

"With all my heart," Seokjin assured him. "Now and forever. But it doesn't change the fact that-"

"You know we will never abandon you again?" Taehyung cut him.

"And that we'll always be here to help you, no matter what?" Jimin added insistently.

"Yes I know, guys," Seokjin told them, "I no longer have any doubt, I promise you."

Reassured, the members looked at each other, and only Seokjin and Jungkook remained a little perplexed by this relief. Why did they suddenly seem so... optimistic? Because of what Hoseok had heard from Min-Hi and told the others? 

"Then your bond to her may be broken," Yoongi told Seokjin. "And there's only one way to check."

"Which?" Seokjin asked, afraid to understand. 

Still slumped against him, Jungkook understood and jumped up and he exclaimed:

"It's up to you to try and get rid of her, not us, like we tried last night!" 

The others nodded, showing that Jungkook had understood right. Seokjin widened his eyes and clenched his fingers on his burned palm, feeling the suffering too well.

"N-no, I can't, you know that! Even if I'm the one trying to hurt her and not you, it will come back to me, like a voodoo doll. I can't do that, I'm sorry."

"You couldn't," Yoongi rectified, "because you didn't trust us anymore. You no longer trusted those who should have been there for you but weren't, that's why a part of you remained clinging to her and prevented you from breaking the bond. Now it's different. Now, you can."

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