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(A/N: Hi and welcome and thank you for reading. This is an Arthur Pendragon fanfic and the face claim for my character, Miriam, is Marie Avgeropoulos, as pictured above, but as always feel free to imagine whoever you want. Please don't plagiarise my work or copy it in any way. I hope you enjoy. XxD)


"The winters are harsh in Ealdor, and there are many children. Some of them just won't be strong enough to survive. We barely have enough food as it is and if Kanen takes our harvest, our children won't live to see another summer. Please, we need your help," Merlin's mother, Hunith, explained to Uther who contemplated atop his throne, Arthur at his side and Guinevere and Morgana beside the dais.

"Ealdor is in Cenred's kingdom. Your safety is his responsibility," the king stated.

"We've appealed to our king but he cares little for the outlying regions. You're our only hope," Hunith begged, and the hall was silent as Uther made his decision, sun streaming through the uncovered windows that lined the one wall of the throne room.

"I have the deepest sympathy for you," Uther said as he leaned forward in his throne. "And would have this barbarian wiped off the face of the earth."

"You'll help us?" Hunith asked in disbelief.

"I wish I could."

"Surely we could spare a few men?" Arthur suggested, arms crossed over his chest.

"Resources are not the problem," Uther replied.

"Then what is?" asked Morgana as she looked to her Patreon.

Uther leaned back, his expression seeming remorseless.

"Ealdor lies beyond the ridge of Aesctir. For an army of Camelot to enter it would be an act of war."

Hunith dropped to her knees.

"I know you're a good king. A caring man. I'm begging you, help us please."

Merlin's heart, Morgana's, Guinevere's and even Arthur's seemed to break for this woman, but Uther remained cold.

"The accord we've struck with Cenred was years in the making. I cannot risk hundreds of lives for the sake of one village. I'm afraid Camelot cannot help," he announced and if there was ever a moment Merlin wished to use his magic to strike Uther dead it would be now, but no one could even dare question their king.

Morgana, however, gave him a stiff look as she moved over to Hunith, helping her off the floor and escorting her out of the room, intending to provide her with food and new clothes and a warm bath before her departure.

And it was in that moment that Merlin made a decision.

He was going back to Ealdor.


"I'm sorry," Arthur said as he stood at one of the many balconies on the castle grounds that overlooked Camelot, the city he would one day rule. "If it were up to me, we'd be on our way there now," he promised.

"You tried. And thank you for getting an audience with the king."

"I wish Camelot was able to help people regardless of how far they lived," he revealed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm going back to Ealdor," Merlin blurted but Arthur wasn't surprised.

"Of course."

"It's been an honour serving you," he admitted and Arthur turned to him.

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