Chapter 13

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"Mira!" Merlin screamed in horror as he woke the next morning to find Gaius crouched over his sister's fallen body, face and arms rippled with boils.

"Merlin," she mumbled, hearing his voice but too delirious to see his face.

"Mira! Gaius what happened to her?!"

"She is gravely ill," the physician answered.

"Help her! Please, Gaius!"

"Merlin, this is no ordinary illness," Gaius said as Merlin's eyes began to water at the sight of his sickened sister.

"This cannot happen," he muttered.

"Who did you meet at the Isle of the Blessed?"


"Nimueh?" Gaius asked in disbelief.

"It was as you said, she demanded a price, but I bargained my life, not Miriam's!"

"Merlin, I wish there was something I could do," Gaius said sorrowfully as Miriam struggled to breathe, her body still shaking, Merlin only took her hand.

"I will fix this. I will make you better, I promise."

Leaving Gaius to tend to his sister, Merlin ran for the dragon's cave.


"You knew this would happen! You had me trade my sister's life for Arthur's!" Merlin screamed at the dragon.

"You said you would do anything," Kilgharrah replied.

"Did you know my sister would die?" Merlin asked, clearly distraught.

"I knew the price would be a heavy one."

"But you sent me anyway."

"We need Arthur to live."

"I AM NOT ONE OF YOU!" Merlin bellowed, anger towards the old dragon growing.

"We are both creatures of the old religion. It is the source of your power."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Merlin asked, his torch seeming to grow hotter with his anger.

"Your destiny is to protect the young Pendragon until he claims his crown. And when he does, magic can be returned to the realm. Only then will I be free."

Merlin laughed.

How could he have been so stupid?

"So that's all you cared about? I thought you were my friend."

"I am more than that Merlin. I am your kin."

"No. Without my mother here, the only family I have is my little sister and you had me murder her," Merlin spat.

"Her life wasn't supposed to end this way, but rest assured it will not end in vain."

"What are you talking about? Her life wasn't supposed to end!"

Kilgharrah seemed to be growing annoyed.

"Miriam has her own destiny just as you have yours. And you and I will achieve great things together."

"YOU WILL NEVER BE RELEASED! For what you've done, I'll make sure you'll never see the light," Merlin swore and the dragon grew angry.

"MERLIN!" he bellowed as he blew fire from his mouth, only for the servant to cast a spell, shielding himself.

"You will never see me again."

And with that Merlin was gone.


"I have to talk to you," Merlin said to Arthur, heart heavy as he walked into the prince's chambers, the prince up and walking with his arm in a sling.

"You still haven't got it yet, have you? I decide when we get to talk," Arthur said simply as he sat in his chair in front of the fire, a cup of tea in his hands.

"Not today."

"I sometimes wonder if you know who I am," Arthur said and Merlin could only smile.

"Oh, I know who you are. "


"You're a prat and a royal one," he answered, making Arthur smile as he was reminded of how the two boys met.

"Are you ever going to change, Merlin?" Arthur asked as he held his shoulder.

"No, you'd get bored."

"What is it you wanted to talk about?"

"I'm happy to be your servant. You're a great warrior and one day you will make a great king but you need to learn to listen as well as you fight."

Arthur furrowed his brows.

"That's oddly kind of you. Now, what is this really about?" Arthur asked and Merlin only sighed.

"Miriam is dying."

Arthur sat up straight, eyes wide with horror.

"What happened? I saw her only a few hours ago?!"

"She's contracted an illness and Gaius found a remedy, but I have to go and get it and I likely won't make it back alive."

"Get my armour, let me go with you," Arthur said as he stood but Merlin stopped him.

"You can't come with me. You're still injured and the whole point of keeping you alive was for you to stay alive, but she's my little sister and I have to save her."

Arthur sighed heavily.

"Then at the very least let me bring her here, make her comfortable until you return."

Merlin blinked the tears from his eyes.

"Thank you. It's been an honour."

Merlin turned away but Arthur stopped him.



"Come back alive."

He gave Arthur a small smile before walking out.

He may not be able to keep Arthur's wish, but he was going to save his sister no matter the cost.


After having some of his knights carry Miriam into his chambers, Arthur had Gwen help make her comfortable before insisting everyone leave as he sat at her bedside, tucking her hair behind her ear despite the boils and rashes that ravaged her skin.

"Now it's your turn not to die," he said softly before groaning as he reached for the damp cloth Gwen had left with his good hand. "You have a good heart Mira, and you can't yell at me for calling you that until you get better. But I'd like to think that we are friends, especially after we both almost died."

The cloth was cool on her skin as Arthur continued to speak.

"I may not know what your destiny entails but I know it'll be one filled with greatness. But you have to wake up in order to fulfil that destiny. So, you better hear me, Miriam, and you better wake up. If there is any order I give you that I would beg you to obey, it'll be this one. So, show me how strong your heart is and awake."

And Arthur could've sworn that Miriam's body seemed to relax at the sound of his voice.

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