Chapter 15

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There really never was a boring day in Camelot.

Uther had ordered the digging of tunnels under Camelot in an effort to unearth the treasures he'd believed to be buried down there.

The diggers had discovered a tomb, but no one was to touch anything within it until Gaius and Miriam could determine whose tomb it was.

However, things took a turn for the worst when they discovered that it was the tomb of Cornelius Sigan, one of the most feared and powerful sorcerers of history. Legends said that his spells helped build Camelot itself.

That wasn't the scary part.

The scary part was that Sigan had vowed to defeat death itself, that he'd cursed Camelot and would one day return to raze the city to the ground.

Naturally, Uther had been unbelieving and refused to seal the tomb.

Miriam was also monumentally pissed at Arthur who'd locked her brother in the dungeons after he'd tried to convince Arthur that Cedric was possessed by Sigan's spirit only to end up in a fistfight with the other servant. The other servant only wanted to be a servant to poach the precious gems and jewels in the tomb.

And it was him that stood on the balconies of the castle and brought to life the gargoyle statues that began to ravage the city so bad that not even the castle was safe.

Miriam however was thankful that she was wearing pants, having been about to go and break out her brother from the cells but she would likely be unable to make it across the courtyard without being attacked.

That was where she was when she saw Arthur and a small group of knights fighting a gargoyle which just knocked Arthur to the ground and he wasn't getting up, the other knights having fled.

Sighing heavily, she scooped up a fallen sword from the ground and went running towards Arthur before throwing the blade.


"Arthur," Miriam spat from where she stood, carefully watching as the gargoyle flew off, Arthur hauling himself up from the ground.

"That thing could've killed you," he panted, and Miriam's eyes widened at the sight of it circling back for them.

"It still might," she said before tackling Arthur to the ground, barely avoiding the gargoyle that swooped at them. "You're injured," she noted as she saw the bloodstain on his armour and her clothes.

"More so if we don't get out of here," he said as he gestured for her to get off him.

"How does this work? You throw my brother in the dungeon after he was right, by the way, about Cedric and I'm still saving your life," she pointed out as she helped pull Arthur to his feet and headed off to the medical bay where she sat Arthur down and assessed his wound, making him grimace. "I need something to stop the bleeding," she said before turning to leave.


She stopped with a sigh as she turned back to Arthur.

"I wanted to say....just, you always surprise me."

She raised her brows.

"Is that it?"

"That's it."

Rolling her eyes, Miriam turned to leave again.


Once again she stopped to face him, waiting for him to speak.

"Thank you."

Her expression softened, genuinely surprised at the words.

"And I'm sorry for putting Merlin in the dungeons."

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