Chapter 54

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After making camp for the night, the three friends continued on their journey, eventually stumbling upon a ruined tower that was guarded by two creatures flying in the sky. Two creatures that were hunting something that turned out to be Arthur.

Gwaine was eventually able to identify them as wyverns, distant relatives of dragons and creatures of magic and as such, it meant that Miriam would have control over them.

And as they reached the tower, they split up in search of Arthur.

And boy was he lucky that Miriam found him first.

He was unconscious on the floor, sword still in his hand as the wyverns approached, eyes red like gemstones as she jumped between them.

Her voice was loud as she spoke in the language of the dragons, forcing the creatures to stand down as they turned to leave, and Merlin rushed into the room.

"I'm going to follow them out, make sure Arthur's ok," she said to her brother who nodded as she drew her sword and walked out of the room, the wyverns rather excited that she chose to follow them, one even nuzzling itself under her hand before they both flew out of a massive hole in the wall of the circular staircase, and she made her way back to Merlin.

"Alright, the rest of the wyverns are gone and -"

She cut herself off as she saw Gwaine standing over the dead body of one.

"Nice," she praised as she and Gwaine touched swords almost like a fist bump as she noticed Arthur alive and breathing as he sat against the wall, and though he was happy to see her, he didn't show it, even as Miriam's heart warmed at the sight of her hair tie still on Arthur's arm.

"Great. This just keeps getting better and better. Are Gwen and Morgana here too? Are we going to have a surprise party?" Arthur asked sarcastically.

"We should probably go. There could be more wyverns on the way," Gwaine pointed out as Arthur stood.

"I'm not leaving without the trident. It was the whole point of this quest anyway," Arthur grumbled as walked past Gwaine and Miriam and began to trek up the stairs, the trio just exchanging weird looks.

"Do you want us to help you? Or do you want to do this alone?" Merlin called out as his sister laughed and Gwaine cracked a smile.

"MERLIN!" came Arthur's voice angrily from above them and Gwaine sighed as he rolled his eyes and began to follow Arthur.


"Look at this. Looks like a throne room," Merlin said as he walked past a room, Gwaine and Arthur backtracking as they'd walked past it, and Miriam at her brother's side as they journeyed forward.

"If the trident's going to be anywhere..." Arthur trailed off.

"Watch out," Miriam said unconsciously, her heart telling her something was wrong.

"What?" Merlin asked as his foot sank on a stone.

"Watch out!" Gwaine yelled as he pushed Miriam forward and into her brother's arms, saving her from being hit by the stone door that fell, separating them.

"Are you alright?" Merlin asked his sister who nodded before running back to the door.

"Arthur! Gwaine!" she called, Merlin repeating the names as she banged on the stone only to be met with no answer. "It's too thick. They can't hear us and we can't hear them," she deduced and only then did they notice where they were.

Their steps were slow as they approached the throne that faced away from them when a voice said, "So Emrys, Emerie, you are here at last."

Miriam knew that her brother was addressed as Emrys by the druids, but Miriam had never met them. As far as she knew, as far as Merlin knew, she had no name.

"Emerie?" she whispered to Merlin in confusion, her brother only shrugging before they made their way around to see the Fisher King in his throne covered in cobwebs, skin wrinkled and blackened with age.

And then his head turned towards them.

"You're alive," Miriam breathed.

"For now," the king amended before a crackling sound came from the door.

"That'll be -"

"Your friends. Courage and strength, I know," the king finished for Merlin. "Without their help, you would not be here."

"What is it you want?" Merlin asked and the king only turned to Miriam, looking at her for an answer.

"You want to die. You want an end to your suffering."

"Your heart will never steer you wrong," he said. "I have been waiting all these years for the arrival of a new time, the time of the once and future king."

"We've heard these words before," Merlin informed him and the king nodded.

"And you will hear them again, for that time is dawning. And I see, the rumours I've heard about the once and future queen appear to have been more than rumours."

Merlin's eyes went to his sister who instantly denied it for it caused her too much pain to think about what might be but likely what would never be.

"And my time can finally come to an end. This is why you were brought here. For this is not Arthur's quest; it's yours. Arthur thinks the prize is the trident," the king said before letting the weapon clatter to the ground, surprising the siblings. "But the real prize is something far greater."

And in his hand now appeared a bottle, caged with wood, a translucent blue liquid inside it.

"Water from the lake of Avalon," the king explained. "I have kept it safe these years, waiting for the right people to claim it. And that is you, that is both of you."

Merlin's hand gripped Miriam's.

"What are you talking about?" he asked the king.

"Albion's time of need is near, and in that dark hour you must be strong, you must have heart because you can save her. You both have formidable power, but you will need help."

Merlin then began to approach him, touching the bottle as the king said, "When all seems lost, this will show you the way."

"Thank you," Merlin said as he took the water, stepping back to his sister's side.

"I have given you a gift. Now you must give me one in return."

"We have nothing to give."

"Emerie; the heart understands," he strained.

Miriam pulled the Eye of the Phoenix from Merlin's pocket before approaching the king, extending a hand as she helped him to his feet.

With a deep breath, she stepped back as she asked him, "Are you ready?"

And the king only held out his arm.

Getting down on one knee, Miriam took the king's hand as she slid the bracelet on, and the stone glowed.

And then the wind began to blow.

The siblings were forced to cover their eyes as they grew stronger, only to open them and find the Fisher King gone.

"Merlin," came Arthur's voice, surprised to find his servant in one piece on the other side of the door he and Gwaine just crawled under. "Miriam," he sighed in relief as he saw the girl appear from behind her brother, the prince crossing the room in a few strides and wrapping her in a hug while Gwaine did the same to Merlin.

As Arthur then went to explore the room, Miriam returned the beaming smile Gwaine gave her as he lifted her up in a massive hug.

"Oh! Look what I found," Arthur exclaimed as they broke apart, the prince having picked up the gold trident. "Now let's get out of here," he said as he made for the door, his jaw trying not to tense at the hand Gwaine still had on Miriam's back.

Merlin, Gwaine and Miriam, however, just shared another look before following after the prince.

At least they were all alive. 

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